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C+�se N�. 6? -f38 (con�inu�ed) <br />I� the request ia ap�rov�d however, �Qr i�° commercial zoniri� �:s u�ed along <br />Rice Street) th�se lot depths shou�d be greater �han 135°. It i� conceivable <br />that �he right-af-�ay of Rice Stxeet may eventually b� t�tiden�:d, and t�hether <br />th�e happens or not the 135' depth is under the desirable standard for a <br />cotr�nercial developm�nt ( or mul.tiple resident�.al developnent ). <br />6. One o� the general pro�l�ems that �ii? 1 r�pply all ulong Rice Street in <br />attempting to create a busineas strip alon� �he i�rest �rLll_ t�e the <br />trans�.tion to the sinale family areas behir_d. The ca�e oi' N1i.nnesota <br />Avenue is typical. Here we have a�roup af very fine nome� wi�h which <br />we were concerned in a recent rezoning along H�.�h�Tay 36. In the latter <br />case the change in zone would have occured �t ��11e x'(:Ar• lot line of the homes <br />in qu�stion. This case, however; the chan�;e in zone wou_Ld occur on the fron�tr��e <br />street (I�I.nn�sota Avenu� ). T�is is assumia� that th� zoning pa�t�tern as <br />este�blished would extend ultimat;ely both nortil and south of �he property in <br />question. <br />SUN1MAFtY <br />1. The decision of this property invo�.v�s a genera]. policy �'or the future of <br />the Wes� side of Rice Street. Thus, we suggest �hat every member of the <br />P].enning Corurnission e�nd �ouncil make an effort to view t�.is property and <br />the property along �treet in �eneral. <br />2. The prop�rty in questi.on and i,he platt�d az•ea in ��he vic� nity which we <br />understand to be owned mostly by the „��W�r3 family should be replatted whethex <br />it is used for aingle family purpo�es or not. The P]..annin� Co�i.ssion and <br />Council shoulcl ex�tend ct�ns:Lderable effori; in this direction. <br />3. Tl1e interest of' �Ghe Village would appesr �o be best served ix" any rezoning <br />along �he west �ide of Rice Street is pre��eded by a gene?�al determix�ation of <br />appropriate land uses. (A re-appraisal of the 1959 decision). <br />�+. This re�appraisal should take co�,mizance of the following factors a <br />�. Maximum pro�cection for existing and potential single <br />family resi�iential areas. <br />b. Present trend and future possibili�ies for improving <br />the east side of Rice Street. <br />�. �3.ce Street function as a ma. jor traffic artery. <br />d. The potenti8l for multiple residential use in the <br />Villag� ae a whole and Ric� Stre�t in Part.icular. <br />
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