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� <br />✓ <br />� <br />� <br />c4i <br />(5) <br />i�, <br />(7� <br />( 8� <br />_ ' <br />The appiicant r�cei.ved the appr.o��al af a significanC n�ober o� <br />persons in the srea �nd Ci�ere are leCCers i.n tha file en+dflrsing <br />the d�velop�aent for multiple parpos�es rather than indu�trial. - <br />There i� also ane letter in the fil.e which recoaa�ends again�t <br />�h� re�oniag. ��p�rantly, grit�cfpel�.�r b�cause of t}ne affecC upon <br />the increase in use of th� coanty beach oa McCarron's lake. `�z <br />� ��:�� <br />grom tt� standpnint oF tax poCentia�, obviously, t�s most <br />reaso��ablca use would app�ar �o be that of multiigle �dwelling. <br />The proposa� ia Ques�i.on i�volves the constructicnA of 19Q ` <br />uniCe af which �i0 �aauld be t`ao-b�droom unita .�t��: proposa� - ;}. <br />in�olves anly th.e Freemtzn prap�rty anci conf�xms to the deas�,ty, � <br />�et-back, snd p�rkin� requirementg af the ordiancen The p1oC x <br />plan suvro�,tted Ear tt� Fre emen propurty �lse indicates the . ''�� <br />geuer�I. lay-o�iC far multipl�z develapm�nt for th� rest of the � <br />�rea exclueive oi theVillage park. 2he d�velopmenC in �otel <br />appear� �aaewhaC overwheiming i�a iee t�tal n�nber oE uni�s�the <br />nthar properties could include an addi.titmal ]20 �snL��). <br />� <br />rhe q�estiflx► beiore ehe ca�nm�,es�.on and counail 3.�, of courgea ' t� <br />�oning �a�E the Freeman property �ts�lf. 4bvf.ot�ts lqa ho�veri '; <br />th� �o�aireg of thig praperty krouLd ai�d a4�ou�d ..earo�i� at lessC ` <br />�he aren� elong Larpet►Leur Av�enue �ca ulei.raate zanin� £or �� <br />multi le u ases. Tl�at �Cs to ss3�� w� would nat �xpect to `'�� <br />P P xP � '�� ' <br />r�ix c.omm�rciai and multiple e�a. i� this area. �, <br />V f � <br />With rei@rence to �he FreemAn propo�el i.�sei£, we would "'�� <br />suggsr�t �iv�t the piot plan deve�.o��ne is w�li-don� and t�ou�d � xf <br />cans��.tu�e �n a�ee� �o the ccu��anitcy� 0£ mcre aosic�rn pertr�p� � :a <br />is �h� u1$i,mate d�velopm�nt �f �herest o� tbe pro�erty rah�.ch "� <br />we would hop� mi�h� �ie dcme in Lhe �orm of htgl�-r;Lse buil.di�gs ;" ;;# <br />c+�ncentra�ed a�.ang J��rgen�eur with �h� r��ene:Loa o�� the oper► <br />upace tr� the n�rk1� o `' <br />r� <br />I� wouxd be v�lt �f e.�ch of you peogs�� were £�mil�ax wi�h thi� �'� <br />area. �hen toQk�.ng at �he progex�y p�y pb��icula� at�e��ion r <br />ts� i.ts r�.�tZon�l�ip �o �he, ein�le f�z�il� �r�� to the noxtt� and ,' <br />the possibilty o� reta�.ning the opea� space �Lmng the noYtherl.q <br />p�48 of the �s� sid� s� �he itillage pasb�. �. <br />�; <br />�.�� <br />{� <br />4 ... <br />i <br />;: <br />( <br />_..: ,. :_ . .:�s ....,.,.'�_ <br />