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s � <br />�� <br />C�se �ua�ber b4-lil <br />Peti�ioner: <br />Locetion: <br />A�tion R�qu�ated: <br />� <br />F� vruary S, 19f�4 <br />2icr�ner�►�an Realty C���p�ny�, 1954 �'niv�r�fty Avenct�, <br />Sdnt P�ul 4,, Hinnesota <br />$�t�etra Pascal �+ver�u�e end AAb�rt �nc�rth of County <br />Ror�d B (set s�cstch). <br />�ppraval ox speci�l use pe r,�it dnd varianc� for the <br />consCguction of a planned apertmenC project a�n <br />Lot 1, Bloek 1� except the northerly 403.12 <br />feQt thar�of and Lo[ I� filock 2, �11 i.n <br />Zi� rman 4ffi.c� Pa��s Ro��ville� Counky o� <br />R�m�r�y. <br />P1aAnia� Conaiderations <br />(1) Moat af you w�.tl rea�1Z th�t Zicranorman O�fice P�rl: Wae initially <br />conce�.vtd, planned nnd it� first d�veZopment st�rted priar eo the <br />ov�rsll plsnning aad zon�n� of 1959. The ii�it�al sere�� pattern <br />did, a� you knoa, anticip�9�@ Ci�e construction of � s�rvice roac� <br />sou�h of �ighusy 36� a�d thesa, �iie ci�cu��tiord �»tC�rn ha�s changed <br />er�aa�hat from the initi+nl con��pC. Indicative of this �a� the <br />daci�ion �C tt� 1��C mset�n� to �nprove th� va�aCion aF Rose ri�.11 <br />i�� fa�or o� th� vaca�tion rand conatruction o� C;o�nerc�3treet running <br />Qa�t-�weee through dze pro�erty to Hamlin� Aveni�. <br />�2) It is aigni�icant frvm the etandpoint of Ith� �ii�s�e thst the c�+reful <br />development of the proj�c� has resulted in thr�e exce�lent buildin�s, <br />i.�., DSluxe Chectc, Sta�re F�+xm M�atual, and the Golden Age Nursing <br />Haae . <br />(3� There is a single-�emily area to the e�sr of �h� propr�y as you all <br />kano�� and �tiis is ane of �he r�asona th� prop�rty is zo��d' to the <br />limited busin�ess ca��gory. A�.imi�ed busines� ���egosy� ho�rever, wae <br />conai�rent wiCh the dee�r�Aa�ment o�j�ctives o� �h� B�wnberg interesta. <br />(4) The applicant no� proposes to consrruct � pl�nn�d co�plQx of apartment <br />structure� on rh� prop�fiCp shoe�n on the sketcti, Th�s� are planned Co <br />can�iat ultimat�ly o� 162 living units in nine buildings. Th�re would <br />be 72 one-bedroom unit�� t�h$ch �aauld reguire 1?_2s400 sqe �eet of l�nd <br />arta �r�d 90 two-bedroom umiCs r�Quiring �25,040 �q. €e��. Thus, tha <br />tot�l l�nd aree �equired wo�ald be 3470400 sq, fect. <br />(S) Ths aceual site ere$ appe�ra t� b� 335,734 sq, feeg or 7.66 acres. <br />Tt�is ie 11�666 sq. Fe�t wndcr eh� requ�rement of Rh� d�nsity regulationa <br />in the Ordinance �hicho �� you rec811� requiras 1,700 sq. feet of l�end <br />fot a one-bedroom apsrtmert and 2,500 sq. £eet: of ��od for eech t�s�- <br />bedraom apartment. 9�rian+�� amount� to appro�cfmately i3 �eet per uni� <br />�ahieh ie a 4.39� va�ianc� on oae-bedroom� unita emd a� 2.9� variance oa <br />tvo•b�d�oom unfts. <br />