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(6) It eppcers fra�n the p►�.ans Ch�t have b�en submitted� [ta�t tt�e <br />re�eson �or th� vsri�cice ia �hr�t ti�e d�veiop�nt tg ba�a�d on a <br />rep�titive a�odule of atructur�s en�ch involving i8 uniCs. 3�'he <br />prapoa�l� +�s yeu will not�, eon�i�ts of rtine buildings of i3 <br />unite �aech which heppen to wa�rk o�t ll,bbb aq, f�eC ehort. Ie. <br />w�uld� of cours�, be po�sibl� to conforrn to the d�n8lty regul�a� <br />tion8 by simply radu�in� th� nu�b�r of unita f,n oa� bu�lding. <br />When �orking c�iCh sC�end�rd c�n3�e � hoc��eve�, �1-Rt� pr�s�nts some <br />problems ae you can aPpr�ci��e. <br />(7) Cot��v�ooiCy to thQ den�it� z'�au�.eCiot�� would redu�e tixs number of <br />�paartm�nts by 7, �f one-bQdroom unit� n�nd 4.6, �� Cwa-b�droo�n u�its. <br />Thus, th� qu�at�on i� whe�h�r c+r not Ch��e addltton�l units �onsti- <br />�ute ov�x-crowdin� on a�ite o� eom,e 7.66 ecre�s. �h� sea�l test of <br />this qu�stion is, o� COtti'��1p i� a z�view of the �ite p1An itself <br />�hich �oil� b� av��l�bl� in ���sge 8ca1� at the m�e�ting. <br />(8) Swne of you �i2Z have s�an eh� prelic�inary desi�n of the structurr�s <br />�hict� ecnbody d�sign �s�atcexa$ wh.i�h epp�ar to b� of �ignificantly <br />6�kt�s qu,al�ty th�n th� �su�l �p�r�m�nt developru�r�t� <br />(9' A ap�elt�l use permit �,nvolvad here i� �h�t oF Pc��m�&ting apta�[m�nt <br />deve�opu�nt in el� Bpl xonr�. ahe Cn*dinance, a� i�i�i�IZy adap��d <br />in 1959', incladed �aPax�rc�n�g as � p�rmitted uac� in �uch �-1 <br />di�ri,cta. IC �as la���r chan�ed �o ss to prev�n� � mi��tion whexeia <br />p�rh�rp� a s�ingle ap�►rtm��� buiidi�►g in thra �nid�C of �� o�h�erwise <br />^�aam�rcisl distri�k raaagr a��� hm �i�sicmbl�. The qv.��t�.o� in point <br />hc�e �e �ahether or no� saa�ta �pm�tm�nCs as prop��ed ar¢ ��,propri�re <br />ior tt�e area conc�rned. Tt �ould be wel,l �os each of yar� to take <br />a clos� look r�t el�e �t�� b�f�r� th� me�tin� �a�d e��� cerefully <br />ex�+minQ �h� comple�e p�.��s pse��nted at the �a��ti�?$. <br />(lU� t�� �hould lc¢ep in mi�d, ��o, �h�t doubtle� i1y Ch� entir� d�v�pmr�nt <br />e�ill ne� bQ con$eruC��d st on� tiu�� e Th� �ppli��ant eho�ld be <br />qc�a��ion�rl a� to a�hich un�.xe ex� �o b� COD8�Yr3CCQ�Pd ��1C'8$ � It is <br />aaar �ug�es�io� th��, ��,oa4 �n �h� ��sgerl� �i.�,.� b� the �nitial <br />d��r�lc�am�n� sA ��s to rc�sv�v� ette wesCerpy �r�� m�as� clos�ly as�oci- <br />�t�d r�ieh th� o�h�r comrn�arc'��al dc�velopm�nt for fcae�t� p�as�fbilities <br />eh�t mi,ghC d�fier �ai�h �� propos�d p1an. In mtl�er �rd�, it ma� b� <br />f�a�ibl� in th� f�twr� �o coastr�c�c� a c��rci�l bufldfn� �a multi- <br />�tc�s��d ogfice build��gm ��c.) on �he �at�rly �or�ioa in tt� futug�. <br />(11) �gam �tt� �tandpoint o�' �ax te�+�rn and �f'�ici�nt d�v�I�pment of the <br />c��miry's t8x reC�ar� po��ntfal, ic is obviaua ehe�t ti�� �p�rtmerat� <br />�iA1 b+� � great as���. A r�c��t �nalysis of t�x�� paid on ap�ertments <br />iQ the� dills�e of Ro��v4.lie imdia:�t� en �v�r�,�� o� �6,1�s6. per acre. <br />Th� one-bedroom uni�a a��� psying $�,866 p�r ��r�, ?��s� figure� hav�a <br />�ust r�eently b�e�n campiled by ��e vilaag� adrniniatration snd compat� <br />f�vorebl� with the �6,0�?0 »$�,000 range �a� have b�sn �a�ing ae aa� <br />epp�roxim��ion in �he pa�t. �t�er comm�rcial dsvelo�ma�t iA the <br />Yill�ge i� naa� psying ae � s�te of $2,954. p�r �cre �nd indust�rial <br />at $2,3990 per �cz+�. gh�e co�t of educ�t3.on of �the children in tt� <br />�������s � s azeiag�.:�g �5�.8p �aer apa� tm���� <br />