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� <br />� February 2 , 1983 <br />-2- <br />''� <br />4) Schoewe -- 482-9722. Richard Schoewe is a medical doctor, practicing in <br />his new clinic at 2381 north Rice Street. Actually, the clinic was <br />built in 1979, and has 3,050 sq. ft., a portion of which is occupied by <br />his sister, who is a dentist. They propose now to add 3,500 addition al <br />sq, ft,, which addition was planned for in the origin al �it� developmen� <br />plan. We reviewed the t�.ming and procedures for approvals, and David <br />Drown offe re d suggestions regarding solutions to the drainage requi�ements <br />for the addition. There appears to be no problems with respect to the <br />expa�sion of this facility, which is really quite an attractive addition <br />to that part of the City. <br />5) Johnson - Ted Johnson is with American Investment Corporation (AI�), who <br />cam� in with Gerald Butler fxom ths Gannon Corpoxation, a lo�al realty <br />comp�ny. Phon� number is 633-4700. Mr. Johnson has purchssed the 12-acre <br />parcel, formerly occupiod by rlalls 'Truck Terminal operation. He proposes <br />�o ciivide �he property into 7 lots for sale. Two of these lots have nu <br />acce.� _ � public street, so w� explained the rules and x�quirements with <br />respect to land subdivision, particularly as it relates to commercial or <br />industrial devel�pment. We �uggested they hi re � competent land planning <br />£irm to cor�e up with an im�ginative way o£ handring the disposition o� �his <br />property, which lias several buildings on the site and a considerabls amount <br />of v�cant �pa�e. Due to tl�e existcr�c� of existing structurc3s, it is extromely <br />� important ttiis lgn� be hanclled carefully so as to not mFilce the transztion fro� <br />truck terminal operation to mor� int�nsive uso is one t�a� will t�xrn c�ut to be <br />a liab�,lity fio the City. '�'hey agreed to pursue thi� cQurse of action, and will <br />likely Ue back with alternative plans. <br />6) 1Vi11iams - 4F�4-6458. Au�rt�y Willimms and Jt�nes 5tephens wore in from the� <br />Roseville Baptist Church, h1r. St�phsns is �tie pasxax. Thoy w�re �.n to tFalk <br />about the possibi lity bf adding a 24 e x 36' ter�porary �ood Uui�din� on tk��ir <br />site for purposes of aceommodating S�unc��y schaol instruction for a limited <br />period of time, Th�y have a la�cs� pnpulatian �f Elmong pQople who a�tend thoir <br />church, and h�ve a neec� for a Sund�y school of 15n cliilctron. They plart t� <br />hire an architect svon to prepar� plans for the caxp�ns�on of tlieir existing <br />church. They may a�pply far p�rmi.ssion from tlte Council �or a temporary p�rmit <br />to.occupy suGh a s�ructure for a period of time, per}iaps not to exceed 2 to 3 <br />ye ars . <br />Mr. Stepli�ns was in ab4ut 3 or 4 years ago �o discus� expansion possiUili�i�s <br />with us ut that �ime. Our concern here is that the expinsion might not <br />occur, and that we woulci be stuck with the temporary buildinb for an extended <br />pariod. �Ve encoura�ed tliem to consider not using �}te temporary buil.ding a� <br />all, pxoc�eding dir�ctly with the oxpansion. 7'hey not�d �hat the �emporary <br />bu�.lding would be movecl to�her site out o£ R�sevill� fo�r �� �«�Gt��e <br />permanent establishment of z mission cliurch, thus making the purchase <br />reasonably economically feasible; even thou�h th�y intertd to use it <br />temporarily for a s}iort �ime. <br />� <br />