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C� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />February 2, 1983 <br />-3- <br />�� <br />7) Peterson - 483-7257. Steve P��erson from Deluxe Check was in to discuss <br />application for the special use permit for wh�ch the Planning Commissian <br />is considering an amendment to the ordinanc�. We discussed timing and <br />procedures relevant to that app3.ication. Due to ihe s�cond Monday in <br />February being on February ldtlt, and th�re being 28 days in the month, <br />publication fnr a special use permit applica��on will have to be mailed <br />again several days priar to the Council meet�ng, so as to avoid an extra <br />month's delay. Notification of residents by mail will occur �fter the <br />Council referral on February 14th. We sugg�sted they prepare a more <br />detailed site plan of th� sit� and building, showing the uses proposed <br />for various parts of the structure. <br />8) Lam - 483-3795. Luke and Sylvia Lam own a duplex �.t 175-177 McCarrans <br />Street, east of Rice Stxeet. "filis dupl�x has 1�0' of frontagE, is �bout <br />5 years old, and has � comanon w�ll c�oa�m the c:�nter. They propose �o <br />split this lot, allowing potential sa2� �'or the am�.i.vidual units. This <br />structure has separato sewer and ��at�r lines, ar,d app��rs to qualify for <br />such divisian. <br />9) Cox - 544-522$. Steva Cox is lookin� far a site for th� developmea�t of <br />nara r�ntal apartr�nt units in RoSevillc. They are 1ool�ing far appraximately <br />100 imi�ts, with rental r�nge of $4?0 per one bedroom uraits, and $�00 +/- <br />% r two bedroom units, nlus �s5 ner month for garag�. Th�y have 174 such <br />units now underr�Ay in Ed�en Pr�irie. <br />We suggested possible sites, ciesi�nat�cl hi�h-density, resa.dential dev�lopment <br />in the Comprehensiv� Plan. tit�e alsa not�d indus�rial r�ve�lu� bancis in _seville <br />nre �io� designed ior uso for r�siclentill d�velopment, wti�ch k3ra C4x sugge�ted <br />was important to them. Mr, Cox taok a cnm�rehensive plan mmp wi�h �am, with <br />inrlications of various possible locations. Th� �ex�stin� polic�os on IRB's <br />m�y be a doterrent to his looki.n� fur�h�r in Re��vill�. <br />10) Daytons - G38-3570. A graup of ��aple wer� in �o �ee us r���rdzn� �he <br />proposal to locatc a riidas l�f�f fler shop i.n t11� Rnsedal� C�nter. Incluried <br />wer� Larry L'ayes, Rosedalc riznag�r, Qill tieise, and Rov Burns from DAyton <br />Hudson, Peter Elanson anci Stan Stiltz from Mici�s, �nci Frec� Ojilo, legal <br />counsal to Mr. Hanson. We reviewed the Midas propasa�, no�irlg the City's <br />int�rest in maintaining the Rosedalc imag� as h as �een agreeci upon and �orkcd <br />at �o hard thes� �ast ye�rs, coop�rativeiy wa.�h Day�o�� liudson and tll� �ity o� <br />Roseville. Qased on new pro��osals on th� part of the klidas rluffier p�ople, <br />the �ayton I�iucison p�opie now �eel they are a�ceptat�le in tl�e olci Dayton's <br />auto �cc�ssory stn��e loc�tion, west of the center's principal structure, <br />The current mana�ement af Rosec�alc also in fa��or �s are thc shopping cenfier <br />owners �Equitablc Li£e Insurance Company). rfr. Hanson presented an illcistration <br />from the hiictas c:orpor�te RePart inclicating :� structure now totally ur�iihe the <br />yellow and black typical �9idas image. 7'ticy wotllci now �agree ta l��ving �h�e <br />structure substv�tially as it is, wi�h the name 11Niici��s" h�andled discxetely <br />on the bui lding. They woulcl climinat� pr�vious ly proposed re£erence to <br />brake alignment, mufflers, etc. �Ve noted our legal counsel sug�ested that a <br />"Nlidas Mufiler Shop" is not necessari ly the s�me as an a�ato accessory store, <br />as permitted in the ordinance in this district. ��le agreed they woulci submit to <br />us descriptions in writing of the f.ormer Dayton auto accessary �tore operation <br />that exis�ed a.n this building, and tllat of the proposed I�lidas operation. It <br />; <br />