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;. <br />� June 8, 1983 <br />TO: Jim Andre <br />FROM: Howard Dahlgren <br />SUBJECT: Planning Office Hours - May 11 - June 1, 1983 <br />1) Dellwo - 755-�5G3. The Dellwo's propose to build a home on a 75' lot on <br />the west side of Marion Street, one block south of Minnesota Street. They <br />propose to build a 57'4" wide house on the lot, which would allow normally <br />for a 55' house, with 10' set:backs on eacl�� side yard. We discussed ways <br />in which the house plan might be modif9.ed to conform to the required setbacks. <br />They will attempt to accomplish this, thus avoiding �-+ variance. In the even� <br />this proves impractical, they may be back for a variance application. <br />2) King of Kings Lutheran Ch�irch - 9£i2-9523. Rus Sprand�l, representir�g King <br />of Kings Church, was in to discuss a building permit for a garage �.Yaey <br />propose to add on the easte rly end of their parking area. No varianc�s or <br />special use permits are required, and a permit can be issued in the l.ocation <br />proposed. <br />� 3) Westluncl - 484-1357. Robert ivestlunc� h�s � home and gar;�ge at 2452 North <br />Churchill, with a 41' driveway widtll. We discussad metliods of handling this <br />driveway so as to conform to the City's 22' maximum driveway width. The <br />probl�m is that the garage appears ta be approximately 10' from the street <br />right-oi'-�vay, similarly to the qarage located on the prop�rty to the east, <br />9) ilentges - 636-9000. Mr. H�n�ges, a realt�r, was inquiring about the pas5ibility <br />af selling the Ryder prop�rty, a rental tr;�ck operation, to the Medicine Lake <br />Bus Com�,any for a bus m��intenance and stor�ge facility. We informed Mr. <br />Hentges of the new B-9 zonin g that appli�s ::o this property, no* allowinq for <br />such a use. I-€� noted that the Ryder people a.xe not planning ta move, but <br />would ca��sider a sale if thc right amount wer� offered. We discussed the <br />City's long-rang� policy of not seeking to e�and thc "transportation industry" <br />i.n the City, but that we are rather laoking �'or more int�er�siv� indu�trial and <br />commercial uses at tt�is stac�e in the commw�ity's devclopme�:t. <br />5) Mueller - C�31-1�154. Art Mueller is considering making an arrangement ��ith Dz. <br />Petersan for the development of hi,s 19.34 acre �.ite, nor�h of County Road B, <br />and westerly of the Gluek Lac1e arca. Approximately one-thirr3 of tt�is prop�rty <br />is indicated on the comp reliensive p1.1n as medium density, with the remainder <br />shown as single-family uni�s. FIe had prepared a vcry prelinun�ry layout in- <br />dicating a�ublic street access to the extension of tlis subsCreet on the west <br />end of Gluek Lane, and a PU� �or the developmcnt, with approximately 50 urtits. <br />This wauld produce a density of 3.48 units per acre, which would app�ar to be <br />approximately correct in te rms of the clensity indicated on the com�rehensive <br />plan. He is thinking in terms oE high-quality units, controlled Y�y an assoeiation, <br />� laok �ng toward th� market of upper income "�mpty nesters". The Dr. Peterson <br />hou�.e would remain on the site, and Dr. Peterson would remain as an investor <br />in i.he develapment. [ae also discussed utiliti�s, facilities, and other require- <br />ments. He may proceed with additional development drawings for further <br />consuitation. <br />