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• <br />� <br />o June 8, 1983 <br />Planning Office Hours <br />May 11 - June 1, 1983 <br />-2- <br />6) Pink - i>31-1711. Bill Pink, working with Leonard Vanasse, proposes to <br />further ��evelop the land north of County Road C, just easterly of the <br />weste rly Village limits. They have alre ady developed the 4.26 acre site <br />at the northwest corner, contiguous to the City of St. Anthony. They <br />propose now to purchase the Marabella strip of land, which is 65' wide, <br />and runs th� depth of the p roperty. We have indicated this general <br />arrangement on the attached map, which wi11 show you th� relationship <br />between this strip and the Reim prope rty to the east. They propos,e <br />ultimately to purcllase the Reim property as well; and in the meantime, <br />develop a cul-de-sac which would extend northerly from County Road C <br />to a point that would serve as permanent public street access to the <br />existinq 4.26 acre site. <br />This will leave a property then just nort}Z of C(w�st of Marabella Street) r <br />which would consist of 1.91 acres. They are currently considering develop- <br />rrpnt proposals for this site. The Reim property to the east consists of <br />8.8 acres, �1d could be developcd ir, its total depth when tiie cul-de-sac <br />is constructed. They a�parently are v�ry c1os� to makinc��a deal with <br />Marabella, and would antici�ate petitioning th�e City for the construction <br />of the street and utilities in the nea.r. futur.e, <br />� 7) 5lawik - G45-8111. Maric �lawi _, Nancy Gardon, and 13arry Slawik weze in <br />to discuss revised acGess F�lans and r�visions ta the �arking lot west of <br />the exis�ing buildings, to be done in conjunctio�n with the improve ments <br />�roposed in 199� f'or Sne1li.�g Av�nu�. The Plans liave been ravised as we <br />suggest�d at previous r��gs, and it was believed they wauld revise them <br />to �r�victe ��r a 40' radius cul-d�-sac at the north end of �he ser�rice raAd <br />on L•he ezst sid� of Snelling Avei�ue (serving existing homeaj . We also <br />suc�gested same additiona.l l�.nclscai�ing �nd pres�rvation of green space in <br />the �n�rance and �a�king lot ar�a to �nhance the aes�hetic c�uality. ��: <br />a��ear� this �l�n will C�Eci'�r: a mo�-c: workable an�i desirable �ntrance and i.n <br />t�etCer access to th� southerl.y parkin�g ar�a currer�tly undevelo�eci. 1"hes� <br />��.ans h<�ve i��n cixsGusse�l wi th riN/t�T, and arc: found tu }�c co�aatible with <br />th� pm��osed revi �ic�ns to �ne.11ing Avenue, w��ich hIIV/DQT is currentiy revising <br />in cac�er��tion with �h� City of Rosevz.11� for 1985 canstruction. Tl�ey now <br />pro�ose to com�,leL-� addi�i�ozal. detailed dr�wings for �z�ser��aCion for tite City <br />under ihe sxte ��lanning ��xovisioi7s autlin�d in th� sl�opping c��jter�ric� of <br />tl�e z�ning ordi.nancc, <br />Q) W�s�qard - 488-773�. I3Uk� Wes�gard �ives at 457 Eldridge, anci w�s in ta <br />discuss a minar vari�nce relating to �tl�� lacltion af the driv�way to witt�►.in <br />G" of hi.s we�t�rly �ro�.�crty line. Pue ta terrain conditions and the garage <br />locakion, this wauld ap�ear tn be a reasonable �ropasal, thougl� tt�e normally <br />requi red 5etback would bc 5' . <br />LJ <br />