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� <br />. <br />• <br />• June 8, 1983 <br />Planning Office Hours <br />May 11 - June l, 1983 <br />-5- <br />20) Klingen - 636-8850. Tom Kiingen is th� rental agent for the new owners of <br />the off_ice warehouse buildin g located at the southeast corner of County <br />Road B-2 and Prior. There is currently a Spa Petite women's health club <br />located in about 5,Q00 sq. ft. in I'airdale Cente r. They p ropose to move <br />this facility to their building, which would require a special use permit. <br />They propose an area of 4,375 sq. ft., and based on the existing occupancy <br />o£ the building, experience with parking thus far, that adequate parkinq <br />would be availabl� for their purpose. They note that much of tite l�eavier <br />activity of the health club is in the evening when the other office and <br />indi�strial uses have been vacat�d for the evening hours. They note the <br />existing building is approximately 20� office space now, for which tt�e <br />approximately southerly third is occupied by the Rosewood Company (former <br />owners and developers). Rosewood proposes to mov� out of the building <br />in the relatively near future. <br />21) Jung - 988-09�0. Rick Jung £rom the Moase Lodge, was in to di.scuss possible <br />rezoning af the Ri.chter land for the Monse Lodge. They currantly have 215 <br />[n�mbers, and now me�t ar the ViW C�ub on �a,t: 7t`. street and White Bear Avenue, <br />l�e xeviewec3 the backgr�ound to this property as ia. the case of our previvu� <br />diseussions with Mr. Rici�L•er. We encouraged 1�e and Mr. Richter to get �ogetl�er <br />wi�h khe Countzy Kitchen peo�l.e to c��].ore the combining of ti�e �wo proper.ties <br />� Zs w@ had discussed on previous accasions. <br />22) �howalter - G31--2849. Ken Mlaskoch, Manaqer for Jcrry Showalt�r oL• the Amoco <br />Station at th� nor�tleast corner of Cc�unty R�ac� C and Clevcland, discussed <br />with us the E>ossibil.i.ty oE conv�rtiing G�� s�. ft. of existirag st��ion to <br />a converyience store. K�n ciid not have r�n ac;curatc site plan wit}� him, but <br />exami.nation nf ti�e air ��hotos, indicaCes there�. 9ae a suUstantial parking <br />�roblem iE Lh.i� �ere c3ane. MasC sucll convenicr�ce sl•ore aurlets anc� r�as stations, <br />of cours�, have s�par�te taar}:ir3g f�►ci].i�ies Eox cushorner� purch�sir�g con- <br />venience items w1�o are not necessarily buying gas. Thcy reiit tr�1i,��rs on <br />this sike, and liave a car «a�a}� �:hat qacs arc�und the e�st side (baClc) oE th� <br />bui.ldi�►g. 'I�icr� aF�E,cars to u� no �c3ditional sF�ace fcr conv�:nience stor� <br />parking. `Tticy will eiisci�s� this �ur.�t�cr; ��nd E�encling px�Faaration oF �� more <br />accirr�te �it�e, pl��n, may b� brzck to r�view it £uxtt�er witll �he Gity. <br />23) �tobac� - Rc�gcr Alob��ger and Sandra f3rennen w�re in t;o c�iacuss the ixpansian <br />o� �i� exi��ing l�o� a� the soutt�ca�t cQrncr oi t�he�ler anc� 5hor�wood Curv�. <br />They ��ro��os� a 1Q' adcii.tzpn to the c�arac7e wi�ich woulci xeyuire f� var�.anc� to <br />rhe fran� yare� setb�7ck. �h �a��aeared from th� siC� p11n and 1ot cor��igur�tion <br />th�� a 10' vari.anc� in 1:l�is ca�c a,�ould be reason�ble, leavinc� a�0' s�ace ta <br />�a�rk ti�e car. We di�cusseci r.equiretnents a��cl �ror.edures for af�E�lica�ions <br />Cor minor v�-�riGznce. <br />� <br />