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� <br />. <br />. June 8, 1983 <br />Planning Office Hours <br />May 11 - June l, 1983 <br />-4- <br />� <br />14) Updike - 638-7121. Dan Updike h as a home on the east side of Irene Street, <br />approximately opposite of Crescent Lane. He pr.-:ses to build a garage on <br />the front of his garage, which has a 37.5' setback, leaving a 17.5' space <br />in which to park his car. It appears that on this lot, the additianal garage <br />in this way is p robably his best option. We discussed variance procedures <br />and requirements, and he may file for a minor variance so as to provide for <br />this addition. <br />15) Holmquist - 636-7004. Mr. Holmquist was in with R��ben Struve to discuss <br />the replacement of an existing 26' x 26' garage, with a new garage to be <br />26' x 36'. Tllis garage is located in the front of the home on a lot on <br />Lake Josephine, fronting on Hamlin� Avenue. They then propose to ac�d concrete <br />curbing to the driveway and redo ttze driv� as a part of this developmcnt. We <br />di.scussed required plans and proc�dures for application under the shoreline <br />zoning ordinance. <br />1G) Plan - 738-76GG. Mr. Pl�n is a re��ltor wi tl� Coldwell Bankcr, who discussed <br />wittz us the E�ossibzlity oE dividin�� lots 4, 5, and G on the east side of <br />Clevel�nd Avenue, which �ropertv cont.ains 2 hauses. tY'e found the two hocn�s <br />are serv�d by a sinqle sewe r 1in�, and that the loc�tion of th�e homes are <br />� such th�t it would bc v�xy difEieult �:o create a sepa.�ate lvt for each unit. <br />UntiJ. such time as either of the older homes are removed, it would a�pear <br />tt�� best couise is to keep tt�e two homes on the �roperty as i�, without <br />ciivision. <br />1%) tlertges - G3G-9UQ�. hf�. fiantq�s returned again eo discuss �cassiblQ sit� fo� <br />�� bus re��air and starac�e facili�y som�whcre in Roseville. 11���rently, the <br />Medic�n� Lakc lines peaf�le desi re to lncflte a facility in this area due ta <br />tti� cankracts they have with tho Univc�sii;y of Minncsota, W� di�Gussed <br />zoning requir�ments for sucl� �acili.ti�s whieh are listed as a s��@cial us� <br />in f�n I-2 da.stric�. Wc a��za.n no�.ecl the CiCy's long-r�nge ��olicy nor. to <br />exF.���r,ci its tra�ns��prti��ian �aciliti�s in the epmmunity. <br />18) [3ciklcy -��4-0231. P�tary t�erkl�y anc3 lx7ven�e 1lnriersan wcrc in ko discuss <br />a driveway �aicitit �arobl�m on �)f33 Tr��c»ie rlvc►iue. This ��ro�erty l�as a 3-car <br />gar�age wittt a 3Q' wicie driveway; wt�ereas� the o�ciinance in Ros�vill� allows <br />Eox a maximum of 22' wid�h as i� crossr� the �ro}�erty line. t�i� �grced th�t <br />putting in the 2?.` driveway with a£.lair c�f' G' on eith@i side would provfd� <br />reason�}ale access to the 3-c�r garac�e. <br />1��) Lonsd�lc - 555-OO1G. Howard Lonsc��il� ��nd f'loyd �nci Detty StryLoky were in <br />to di�cuss a resieience at 19!�1 Rosel�wn. 7�P�is hous� was built Yri 1961., <br />o:z a r0' lat. The house is �?'G ta G' from thc wes� �7rop�rty lin�. The <br />exacY. dimensa.ons are �1ot known at �his time. They �ropose to add A kitch�n <br />and �orch on the nortl� side of tl�e ilouse, and would a���ear ta rec�uir� a <br />varia,�cc du� to C11e side yard s��bach. Tl�ey �Zrc g4iszg tc� c�et mor� exact <br />� dimensions and get l�ack �o u� latc r. <br />