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Planning Office Hours 1983-1985
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Planning Office Hours 1983-1985
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� <br />� <br />January 12, 1983 <br />-S- <br />�2) Folland - 379�0752. Jeff Folland and Jerry McGuire were in to discuss <br />locations for their desire to construct a high-quali�y apartmen� building <br />in Roseville. We reviewed various sites as indicated on the comprehensive <br />guide plan, They seem most interested in the site just �ast of the City <br />Hall and the Carbone property, west of Hamline. Jerry McGuire lives in <br />North Oaks, bu� ha,s done most of his developmer.t in Minneapolis. Tliey <br />seem to have a stroiig desire to do a project in Roseva.11e, concentrating <br />on the high end of the market. If tliey are able to find property in the <br />area, they will be back for further consultation. <br />13) Adams - 297_22g2. Claudie Adams and her son were in to access the <br />possibility of getting a kennel license to add a third dog to their <br />hou�ehold. We suggested they forget it, and accommodate �he'• <br />needs with two dogs. �l security <br />They also discussed tlie possibility of building a multipie dwellin on <br />an area of land they own just west of their existing residence, whgch <br />is south of County Road C and east of Dale Street, We reviewecl the <br />comprehensive plari, which indicates this land should be developed for <br />higher density, multiple-famil uses. <br />north end of Centra� Park a Y Mrs. Adams owns tlie land on the <br />by the Ci.ty �o expand fihe�park�area around�the�northlea�ed to be acquired <br />Mrs, Adams indicated they, �oo, desire to preserve thenwet ands,Wandatsan <br />appropriate �ime, would perhaps be willing to sell a portion of tlie land <br />to the City. She is current ly attemptiiig to find a plumber to hook her <br />existing house up to tlte sewer. We discussed those rec�uirements and timin <br />g• <br />We suggested �hat if they inten�i to r���ild a multi-family structure on the <br />property they own to the west, they l�ire an arc}iitect to prepare a <br />develogment plan for this purpose. 6Ye suggested the land could also <br />be combined with the Reiling prop�z-ry to the wesr and south (Geor e <br />owns the corner propez-ty) . She didn't appeax anxious to work at hat <br />relationship, though may have develop�nent plans prepa�.�d for her pro ert ,. <br />in conjuiiction with their existing house location and possible future Y <br />park expansion, <br />
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