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� January 12, 1983 <br />-4- <br />9) Ziniel - Mr. and Mrs. David Ziniel added a garage to their home at <br />559 Heinel Drive about 1961. Recently, tlley have converted ha�.f <br />the garage to a work ar�a, and now propose to extend the garage 12 feet <br />toward Heinel Drive. They hirecl a contr�ctor, wro came in to see us <br />(Lowell Tietz).,re�ardin� shoreland aPproval, and possibl� varianc�s. <br />He had be�n told by the buil� inspector to proceed with the shoreline <br />approval and vari�nce applications if necessary �rior to beginn�.ng <br />const�uction, He, }aowever, �rcace�ded with �he construction and L•he <br />footings are in, g-Ie star�eci to put up the walls yastarday. BecaucP <br />this garage extends closer to Heinel Drive than the h��uses an either <br />side, we suspect a v�riance will be necessary in thi� case. However, <br />his si.te plan did �noti accurately loczte �he szructures in relationship <br />t.o the property l�ne, so we suggested he do that immedia.tely by survey. <br />In tf�� meantims, the building is red-t�gged. We were somewhat concerned <br />that he proceed�d purposely wit}tout a building permit, when he had <br />discussed tliese need� with Gordie on two previous occasions. At least <br />one of tlie neighUors was concerned, and had called City 1-lall <br />about the possible needs for a varian ce before the construction. We <br />an*_icipate i�ir. Tietz will return with an accurate site at �vhicll time <br />appropriate action tivill be determined. <br />10) Bruce - 475-2622. Jim Bruce is the son of t}ie Bruce 1-iomebuilding <br />� Corporation which operateci many years in the rlinnetonka area. He <br />proposes to purchase the Peterson property (west of Gluek Larie) <br />1nd devel�p high-quality housing units, whicl� may include single- <br />family, cli��L:c, �w.-•:� some form of townhouses. We discussed the land <br />use plan in the area and zoning and dAr�e lopment r�c}Lti.��me.nts , 6Ve <br />suggested }ie work closely wi�Ch the neighbors in the process of <br />preplring a�lan, and that Provision b� made for egress from Gluek <br />Lane througti the Peterson property as we }lave discussed for many years. <br />The Petersons are in Texas for the winter, and may make an arrangement <br />witll bir. �ruc� for the ultimate development of the land. <br />11) ' Roberts - 631-9113. Steve Roberts and Clifi Luncl were in t� discuss <br />the 12.4 acres of residential land they own nortlt of South Owasso <br />Boulevaz•d, a�id westcrly of Owasso Qoulevard. Due to existing ponds <br />and the ownersliip pa�tern to the land, this praperty has some access <br />problems. Noting tlie scllool property whicll is contiguous to the southwest <br />is proposed for ultimate medium density development. We suggested t�iat <br />rat}ier than try to force single-family houses into this 12-acre area <br />that it might be more ap�ropriate to use the PUD approach and spread <br />the density in some form of townhouses, thereby preserving the very <br />attractive ponding area on tlie site, and reducing tlle necessi�y for <br />extensive construction of puUlic streets throu�h the property, ti9e <br />also agreed that tile acquisition of A1 Gravels' father's property just <br />ta tlle soutll of theix land would be very desirable; and then p�rhaps <br />some form of life estate could be worked c�ut, depending on tlle needs of <br />� the �andowners. It appeared t}iis property could be better developed <br />with a more imaginative solutiotz than simple single-family lots on a <br />PUD basis, but not necessarily at a significantly higher density. We <br />discussed some examples of the type af development we are suggesting, <br />some of which are being dnne by the Hi.nder people in the 5horeview area, <br />which include townhouses with underground garages, <br />