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� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />CASE: <br />SUBJ ECT: <br />� <br />Letter Reierred to Planning Commission F�om Viflage Council <br />Regarsling Apartment Reguiati�ons <br />1, Attached is q copy of a letter addressed to the Vi I lage Counci I from Thomas <br />Wil�mus, Pre�siden�t of Wil�mus Properties, Incorporoted regording th� eFfects <br />nf a�ne of tha revised multiple z�nireg regulations recently adopted by the <br />Vi!lage. Mr. Willmus mak�s four points,numbere+din his ietter, to which we <br />co�nment f�r your Gonsid�ration as follr�ws: <br />(1 � On� gara�� space pe� unit <br />We agree that it is generally recognized thot in an apartment proj�Gt <br />of lesser quality, there will not be e dema�,d for a g�rage space fur <br />each apartment unit. In the better quality aparfinent structures, <br />however, it is recQgni'zed thof there is a need For at least one gc�rage <br />space per u�it end 'indead,, in many of the finer apartment complexes <br />ther� are �;�ore garages than one per unit. Th�se factors �re pertinent <br />because �,-::� of the basic intents as initia!ly est�blished in the apartment <br />restudy was th� obje�t�ve to incourage the developm�nt of higher quality <br />apartmeni units in the Vilinge. It is iikely that the garage requirement <br />is one of the most instrumental devices fo� achieving this purpose. <br />(2) ProJecting air Conditioners <br />The air conc�itioning industry is rapidly changing and expanding and the <br />problem to which Mr. Wi (lmus refers regarding not permitting the protrusion <br />of uir conditionirg units from th� structure may well be temporary. It <br />was the op�nion of th� Planning Commission in proposir�g th� regulation that <br />the projectiQn of the oir conditioning units detructed from the appearance <br />and g$neral quality af the struct�res. This may be a matter of opinion among <br />varyi ng i ndi vi dua Is. The best way of handl i ng ai r candi ti oni ng and the way <br />it is done in many of the better guality structures is for the heat exchangp <br />ta occur at a central point, thus eliminat�ng the prof�sion of gorais necessary <br />for the individual package units. There are som� who feel that it should be <br />required ta ha�re a central plant for each structure. Though thi� is the method <br />usuplly used for major affice buildings, etc. the Commission did not feel, nor <br />did we, that this represented the ultimate in air canditio,ning, We suggest th�t <br />the prevention of the prc�trudi ng ai r condi ti or�i ng uni ts daes i n fc�ct i mprove the <br />appearan�e of the bui Iding. It is left to the designer to place the units in <br />n foshion sn as to not adv�rsely affect the interior. <br />