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. � � <br />J � <br />Ca�e: 77-67 (Conti nued) <br />� <br />(3) La��dsca ed Plans <br />� � <br />The �egulotions nat� that a landsc�pe plvn is required, but �t does nct ,�� <br />that if must be done by an Architect� It does state that the Architect must <br />CBf�lr,! that �e hos d��igned the b�ilding in relotionship to the site and that <br />the site plan may be prepared by a site plann�� or an architec,t. The regulations <br />dc� not say who must prepore ca iandscap� plan, but obviously th� most <br />qualified person would be an Landscnpe Archit�ct. Mr. W�Ilmus also questions <br />the r�quirement that a Registered Engineer mus# do the �lectr�cal and mechancial <br />systems. Thougl� the building cod�s sets dow� certair� minimum requir�:ments <br />with respect to thes� systems, this does r�ot substitut� fflr a good design. Inasmuch <br />as the Village does n�,t mai�ta,n eleGtrical and rriechanciol engin��rs to re�iew <br />the designs, we suggest that the be�t method of ascertaining qual�ty design is <br />to require profes�ionally competent people to do it. <br />(4) Two and or�$-ha lf story bui ldi ngs <br />Mr. Wi I Imus n�Pes in his letter that "rraany bui Iders f'eel t�hey cQnn�t aff�rd ta <br />bui Id anything �ther than a 2 1/2 story bui (ding. Again, it �was rh� intent of <br />. the revised regulations to up-grade the quulity and it would seem that this <br />re�u�ation t$nds to da just that. You wi 11 recal) that most of the apartment <br />� structure�s proposed in Fhe (ast year have elevators and underground garages. <br />Th� garcage requirement� ond the eliminatian of th� basem�nt apartments have <br />bean very instrumental in accompl�sl��ing this chanae. <br />2. We suggest that Mr. Wi I lmus' interest and c�ncern, as expressed in his Ietter is tc� <br />be commended. Certainly, any Village Regulation �egarding develo�m�Arit or ether <br />qu�sfions is sui�ject to constant scrutiny ar�d ac�justment with th� intent of improveng <br />the regulaPions and fiheir effect on Villog� development. We suggest that the <br />Planning Cammission recommend the letter be answered, thanki�g him for his concern <br />with comments from the Vi Ilag� as suggested in Fhis report �r Qs �t�e Pianning Commissir.�n <br />crnd or the Counci) may desire. <br />� <br />�J <br />