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MEMORAZ1Di�i <br />- DATE: � <br />Tn: , <br />FROM: <br />RE: � <br />Deceml�er 31, 1991 <br />Steve Sarkc��y <br />Phili Carlson <br />`PLANNING OFFZCE HQURS, December 18, 199Z, <br />Deceznb�r 25, 199�, and January 1, 1992 <br />Decemb�r:_: �.8 , �.9 91. ; <br />1. Jim Forberg, AIA (894-9127) <br />Mr. Forberg is the architect for the remodelling of the Lake Ridge <br />Health Care Center at Victoria and Woodhill. Tne Center wants to <br />build a fenced exterior court on �he east side of the building <br />partially within the 30' fr�nt setback to Victoria. With a 2'- <br />6"-high- retain�.ng.wall and a 3' -6"-high guard rail, the fence would <br />be ov�r 4' in height, �he Code maximum within the setback. We <br />discussed ways to avoid a variance, and Mr. Forberg wi]_1 r�desxgn <br />the �courtyard to stay completely� ou�: �f the setback, thus no <br />var'i�ancz wi11 be required. <br />We also discussed lanascape scr�ening at the loading dock. We <br />visited the site and it appears that the area on the south side of <br />trie dock is screened adequately. With the addition of four to six <br />evergreen trees on the north side of the driveway,, that view sh�uld <br />be adequately sc;reened as well. We wi1.1 sencl a lettEr to Mr. <br />Forberg outlining this recommendation. <br />2. �- Calibre Ridge Final PUD Plan Review <br />We; rev-iewed tk�e lighting pl�n and other details , in the latest plans <br />submitt"ed� by John•. Duffy for the Calibre. Ridge p'rojecC. The <br />lighting pl�n was�r�ot adequate and it was,not clear what.the light <br />l�e��rels would be, oz wh�ther all parking 'areas ,were� � lit, or where <br />���ie? lighting informatian came from. . There were also a number of� <br />e�g'� concerns . Karl Keel will write a memo oiztlining .these <br />��ems which I wi1l�.include in a letter to Mr. Duffy listing these <br />issu�s . We�� will need to satisfy these concerns b�f�c�re we .for'ward <br />the plan.s `ta -the Cc�uncil for final approval. ,. <br />� <br />