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� <br />• <br />i�l • ; • �,I� 1�1 <br />DATE: <br />T0: <br />FROM: <br />RE: <br />1. <br />October 7, 1991 <br />Steve Sarkozy <br />Phil Carlson <br />PLANNING OFFICE HOURS, October 2, 1991 <br />Elliott Anderson, Elliott Archts. (715/386-8303) <br />Ron Keller, Keller Construction <br />Mr. Anderson and Mr. Keller are working with Ted Brausen, who owns <br />the Amoco station at the NE corner of County Road B and Dale <br />Street. Mr. Brausen wants to expand and remodel the service <br />station to include a car wash, more service bays, a canopy over the <br />gas pumps, and renovation of the commercial building (currently <br />Carbone's Pizza and a sporting goods store) that shares the site <br />with the Amoco station. They had submitted plans for the <br />renovation that kept most of the paving on site to provide the <br />needed parking, including encroachment on the public rights-of- <br />way, but the plans still did not provide enough parking and fell <br />short of the design standards in a number of other ways. <br />We discussed the following issues: <br />1) Overall parking was shown at 29 s�aces, but 31 are needed <br />according to Code. This is symptomatic o� the overall site <br />plan, which simply has too much development for the site. <br />2) Parking at the gas pumps was not incl���led in the parking <br />count, even though many of �hose cars would be for the <br />custAmers using the new convenience sto:c•e and deli in the <br />station. We will discuss this and research other cities, and <br />get back to Mr. Anderson on whether these can be used in the <br />count. <br />3; The canopy over the existing gas pumps will need a <br />variance, since it encroaches on the front setback, but this <br />is reasonable and has been granted in similar situations in <br />the past. <br />4) Additional right-of-way will be needed on Dale Street, <br />putting some of the exis�ing pavir.g within the right-of-way <br />and placing the existing pump is]and5 within 8-1/2' of the <br />rig�t-of-way. W� can accept that :�ituation for now, wi.�h the <br />understanding that in the future, �t Dale is widened, the <br />station may have to give up the outermost aisle of pump <br />access. <br />