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• ROSEVILLE PLANla�.'G OFFICE HOURS 10/2/91 2 <br />� <br />5) Some of the parking on site did not meet minimum <br />dimensions. On the south side of the Amoco building, the <br />dimension was 32' for a single� bay of parking, instead of the <br />42' standard. This bay will be eliminated in favor of <br />providing stacking space for the car wash, which was not <br />provided in the submitted plans. <br />6) There is a small building on site which contains <br />monitoring equipment for soil contaminants. This program will <br />be completed this spring and the building would be removed for <br />this project. <br />7) Sidewalks on both B and Dale are needed. <br />8) The retail building on site had been shown as partially <br />razed - the southern portion now containing Carbone's would <br />be torn down, and Carbone' s would move into the northern (more <br />structurally sound) portion. Keeping this portion of the <br />building on site for Carbone's contributed to the lack of <br />adequate parking. Mr. Anderson indicated that there may be <br />some flexibility in what actually happens to the building. <br />9) Related to the above point is the parking on the north <br />side of the existing retail building. It currently extenc�s <br />into a private access easement a� the far north end of the <br />site, leaving only 13', instead of 18', for the depth of <br />parking spaces. If the use or disposition of the entire <br />building is changed, thes� s�aces m�y not be neec�ed, and the <br />easement can be respected. <br />10) All rooftop units, existing and new, will need to be <br />screened. <br />11) All trash will be taken tA the back room of the new <br />service building. <br />12) Landscaping was slio�vn in the right-of-way, which can only <br />occur in the first 3'. hlith some af the modific�tion we <br />suggested, the�.^e may be room to provid� the r�quYred yard <br />setback� and landscaping. <br />13) The new s�rvice bays will be <br />back 5' from the side lot line, <br />retail building, We said this was <br />an existing 30' access easement on <br />provides the necessary sep�ration, <br />the am�unt of encroachment. <br />in a building that is se� <br />the same as the existing <br />r�easonable, since there is <br />that sid� of the site that <br />and th�y are no� increasing <br />� 14) We suggested the en�ire project be brought in as a PUD, <br />since it will combine two previously s�parate parc�ls. <br />