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• ROBEVILI� PLANNING OFFICE HOIIRS 9/25/91 4 <br />Mr. Simmons also went on at some length about the market research <br />that had gone into selecting this site, and the consultant's <br />conclusion that C& Fairview was "the hot corner"'for a medical <br />facility in Roseville. When we challenged this on a common sense <br />basis, he admitted that this site was their thi�d choice, behind <br />the Slawik parcel south of Midwa�r Ford and the Paul's Place site. <br />Our feeling is that thsre may indeed be a need for such a facility <br />in the area, but that we were getting a hard sell on his id�a, and <br />it really came down to a group of area dac�ors wanting to stay in <br />the area. We were not impressed with his claims of considerable <br />market re�Qarch eupp�rting this location. <br />We told him he was w�lcome to makc� his case for a v��iance be�ore <br />the Planning Co�mission and Cit�r Council, but t�at our r�port on <br />thi$ plaer� would not be aupportive, and urg�d him to xodosign the <br />sit�, raduc� the att�our�t of d�veYopment being proposed in ord�r to <br />t�ore s�sily fit tt�o r�quir�� parkfng o� ait�, or �cquiro additional <br />praporty (porhape �ho edja�ont Sir Sp�Q�iy sit�j in ordQr to m�k� <br />the p�oject work, <br />5. Pfial R�nnor, Norwe�t �ank <br />� Lerr� �torton, �r�re�n�� �ign Co. <br />�,t �h� �a�te����r P��nning Cat�uaiss�an moatin�g thQ Moxwe�� �enk �+� <br />L�xin�ton �►v�nu� h�ri �arr�u�stad � v�rianca to construct � py,ion sign <br />�n th� �'ro�t yard aP thQiar buf l�inq, Tt�Q roc��aost �e�s cont,in+ua�i, <br />but onQ �ugg��tion mad€� by th� Cora�ai��ion w�� t� �ub�Gituta <br />�ddition�l w�l� signar�Q ��r �ho �r�lon �ic�r�. �'h�s �� � �olu��..- we <br />hud propv�aei ta �or��t�� �ome� �onth� �go, lsut t�ay opt�d to t�ey �'or <br />�hc� vari�rece�. I�n o�rr �ie�um�ions �ol�owir�e� �M� �la►nning Gommi��ion <br />m�+��ing, wQ rc�vivad tho ���� t���nr�g� icla�� ar�c� l�r. �'o�to� �r�apa��d <br />�kat�h+�� on how this� might ba dona�. <br />�t�� rationa�la w� usee� in �r�r�gu�ting► the� wa��l, ��c�r��ga �eluti�n ia <br />that � pyian �igr� wo�ld �con�i�t r�� � ��ro-�,i��d �ign, �QO squ�xet <br />���t on s�ac� o� th� �wo �i���, ���,£ng a�����.�Q dl�rQc�i�n�, I� �P�� <br />iaaa�k �o�� w�ll�ng ta �or�go thc� pylon �ige�, i� ��uld b� rQ��an��1Q <br />to allow thgm tt�is aam� �Qu�tr� focatag�a �in wall �ign�+gt�, 1��0 �quere <br />�'�o� on tha ncrth s�da o� �hQ t��ilciing �nd lA0 �c�u�r� �aQt on th� <br />�cau�h -� in �ssQr�c�, a pylc�r� ��g� �pi,�t i� tw� andf p1a��d on thm <br />t�uilding. The w�r�� e�gnagc� tha� Prop000 wou�d k�ca similar to t1�� <br />�ign��;�c� �urr�r���,y on th� �ront a� the �uilc�ing. Th�� ap��oach <br />would �till r�quir� a va�ienco, nnd t�i�y wi�l eubmit it �or th� <br />Octa�c�� PlBnning Coxnmi.��ion mc�ating. <br />�. BrBd �iol�rook, The NBtur� C4n�ervanc�r (1�rlingt��, V�1) <br />CUrti� Proud, �ili ��iockankQ�np��; <br />� Will�ia�s Pi�alin� Co. (Tul�a�, �iS) <br />'�3.m Nelson, Ever�st GrQup <br />FrQd Ags�m <br />