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� ROSEV�LLE PLANNSNG OFFICE HOURS 9/�5/91 5 <br />Williams Pipeline owns a vacant, triangular parcel of land at the <br />southwest corner of County Road C-2 and Highway 86 in northwestern <br />Roseville, about 3 acres in size. Williams is donatinq the land <br />to the �ature Conservancy (TNC), as a gesture of corpor�te <br />p�ilanthropy and as a tax w�iteo�f. TNC will thon s�ll th� land <br />to fund their oth�r programs - purchasing land in sensitiv� or <br />wflderngss areag for public conservation. Tim N�leon �as worked <br />with Willisms on oth�r sitQs and o�for�d �o a��iat them �n <br />asgessing th� d�v�lopm�nt potent�al oP th� prop�rty. Frad Ass�m <br />is � potonti�l buyQr. <br />T�e qroup wantQ� to know what Cho City �ight ba willin� to �a�� <br />d�velopad on the prop�rty. W� discuB��d bo�h th� allow�d u��s a�,� <br />t�o potential �or r���ni�q. Tha sito is gv�dod MR (high d�nsi�y <br />rasidanti�l) but �� zonad R=�. �i�g10 P�mily ho��� �ou�d bQ <br />allowod, but ar+� not likol�► on s+ueh a ama►il si�kA �d�a�cant to a bi�a� <br />h ig�way, J� c�urc� or e d�y �8rc� f�c i 1 f+�y r�ou ld ba �hc� �os� ��kt��l� <br />R-1 u�@s th�t cou�d ba dcv�lop�mcl an �h� �ita. <br />I� tha pereQ� r�arQ r�zon�c3 to a�u�ti-E�mily� ra��d�nti�l clis��ict, <br />which �+oul� ba� ap��o�r�,atc� c�on�icicrir�g the� %nel Uec� �18n <br />d�sign�tion, �s��� u�aa �+au3c! � po�siblQ, �ie�c�e �rilo�c�d or �� <br />�p+�cisA u���, includ��n+g a�arta��r►t�, me�tQl�, or nur���c� h��o�. <br />� WQ d�s�usa�d �h� a�Bibili�y o� se��n��c� to � l�usi�Qs�� di�+���aC to <br />P <br />ai��w prc�'t�eaiora�� o�'��cQs oc u ga� �CaCion�+�onvenianc� s�m�Q. "�he� <br />si,ta is re�son�bly af��� �i�vat�d for� ��o�c�r��a� u�a, �►�� thQ�e� <br />arQ �oaa� i��ua�s �hat a�ould t�m�vQ ta b� d��a�a��c�d. <br />ij 'i�r�r��a ��ea r��ng�� ���i�y r���dQnts �cro�s� C�2 �ra�a ��� ��C� <br />�nc� bc���nc� it �� the r�r��� �h�� mi�ht �r cancQ�r�Qd� r�i�h <br />tr���ic, noi�e, ligh�in9. ��aRc�ar�n�e� ��� hour� o� op►����#���. <br />Tha� maigribn�� �o �ha a���t ��uld p�ab�a��t �Si I�u���r�d �sa�e <br />c�a��ly Cttian �thc� t�o�c�� �e�o�� C-2. <br />3) `�hc� ln�ar��c�,f�n o� ��� anci �tw� �8 ,�� hu��, but 3�� na� <br />�iqta�l#�z�d. A cs��,er�ial �r�a g�n�r�t�ng a�ign��le�►r�t am�unt <br />a� ��n��i� �aight rrar�ant ��i�n��� o� �l�r� aoulc� su��er fro�a <br />�h� lA�k af a�3�gna1, Thi� �trotch o� 1�igt�ar�y dloQ� �n�t hav� <br />t.h� h,��t� a�ount of ��a�Fi�, �owc�v��, �h�t o�laQr r�r� jor <br />inkc����ction� �n the C�t� h�v�. <br />3) A nc�ighborho�ad commorcia 1 u�a ���� f ng �t�a arc�� to �hr� �r��� <br />o� this sitA �irocluc4ing ��r°t of St. ,�.��:hc�ny) makQ� �Qme� ��n�c� <br />ir� tta�� loc�tir�n. �inco ther� 1s v��y li���l� �°e��idt�nt��� to <br />tho ���t �cro�� Nwy� �e, � c�mmQr�,��l u�Q ha�� �oul� prab�ably <br />not qanar�to a�ot a�' tra�li� trying ta cro�� Hwy �a Cc� g�� <br />�o i�. I� ut�ar w�orel�, €�$ e naighbc�rhood u��, moet �� t1�� <br />� tr�f f ic coming to tt�� sit� waulrl bQ coming paat hor� an�rway <br />qoir�q to anci �rc�m hom�. <br />