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� <br />LJ <br />MEMORANDU�'I <br />DATE: August 13, 1991 <br />TO: Steve Sarkc�zy <br />FROM: Phi1 Carlson <br />RE: PLANNING OFFICE HOURS, August 7, 1991 <br />1. John Duffy, Duffy Development (544-676�) <br />Gordie Howe <br />Mr. Duffy and Mr. Howe came in to discuss the �townhouse project <br />they are propo.sing for Mr. Howe's land on Rice Street and Highway <br />36. When we reviewed the previous plans they had submitted, we had <br />pointed out sonbe serious concerns regarding the dimensions for <br />parking, maneuvering, green space around the units, and the <br />usability of some parkir�g spacese Th.e plans a?.so did not have <br />sufficient engineering information or utility easement dlata. <br />Overal�, the project is designed very tightly on the site. Because <br />of these shortcomings, we had urged them not to �ppear on the <br />� Aug�st 14 Planning Commission agenda expecting a decision for the <br />PUD General Concept �tag��. The drawings were not sufficient �`o.r <br />that level of review, and if redesigned to take into account our <br />comments, the project might laok very different. WE noted that <br />the original appr���al was far a 4-level, 73-unit apartment building <br />(parking under the building plus 3 levels). In order to fit 2- <br />level townhouse units on the site, one ma.ght expec� about half the <br />number, or 37 unitsa Mr. Duffy is trying to put 58 units on site, <br />or about l4 units per acre, which is extremely high for townhouses. <br />We suggested that a 3•�level unit may be the anly way to comforta�ly <br />reach that density. <br />We discus�ed the d�tails they needed to correct, tl�e critical one <br />being the dimension between garage doors facing each other. They <br />had shown 52' in one plan, and 56' in a later plan; we need to have <br />60° to conform to minimum acceptable City standards. <br />We also discussed the loGation of th� play area/open space. At the <br />previous Planning Commission meeting it was suggested the play area <br />be moved from the s�uth central portion of the si.te to the <br />northw��t corner, a principle reason laeing the proximity of the <br />highway fo� children playing. Even though the site abuts the <br />right-of-way, the actual drive lanes of Highway 36 a�e 150' to 20Q ° <br />away at that point. There are 10 single family homes in this <br />neighborhaod alone that are closer than that to the highway d�ive <br />� lanes. We sup�orted keepi�g the play area in its central location. <br />