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� <br />� <br />C <br />ROSEVILLE PLANNING OFFICE HOURS 8`7/91 2 <br />Mr. Duffy and Mr. Howe are on a tight time schedule and were <br />anxious to keep the process moving, and wanted to get some sort of <br />decision at the August 14 Planning Commission meeting. Since <br />correcting some of the important dimensions might alter the project <br />considerably, we suggested they revise the plans and come back to <br />meet with Staff next Wednesday and appear for another sketch plan <br />review that night at the August 14 meeting. <br />Mr. Howe also mentioned that he had received a call from someone <br />at Ramsey County inquiring about the property as a possible site <br />for a County home fo�� unwed mothers should this project not go <br />ahead. <br />2• Steve Zeece, L-Z Mfg. <br />We met Mr. Zeece on site at his bLsiness on Rice Street and Center <br />Street to discuss what might be done to imprave the appearance of <br />the site. The property's side yard is on Center Street, which is <br />a main entrance to McCarrons Lake Park. There are numerous <br />vehicles and pieces of equipment in various states of repair stored <br />openly on site behind a cyclone fence that is in disrepair. The <br />southeastern corner of the site consists of poor wet soils and the <br />fence has settled in places. Security for the business is a major <br />concern. Mr. Zeece pointed out several places where vandals had <br />cut ����o the fence in order to steal equipment from the site. <br />There were underground gasoline tanks on site at ane time, which <br />were recently removed and found not to be leaking, but nevertheless <br />there are monitoring wells at two �.ocations on the property and <br />some soils on site were found ta be contamin�ated with gasoline. <br />We discussed waXs to screen the views from Center Street, and <br />agreed that a reasonab�e solut�on would involve repairing the <br />cyclane fence anci planting Bostc�n ivy or Virginia Creeper to cover <br />it. Althaugh this type of vegetation would take 3 to 5 years to <br />get establish.ed, adjacent to the park it might be preferable to a <br />slatted cyclone fence or ev�n a tall wooden fence. The ivy would <br />need to be protected at the bottam of the fence from mowing by a <br />mulch bed and sturdy edging. <br />On the Rice Street side, Mr. Zeece is in the �rocess af painting <br />the existinc� cyclone fence and agreed that he would keep it in <br />repair and maintain its appearance and would store only new <br />equipment in the front part of the site in an orderly fashion. <br />We also noted that the site is ro�aqhly half paved and hal� gravel, <br />which washes a good deal of sand onto Center Street when it rains. <br />Mr. Zeece contends that the poor soils on site make it impossible <br />to pave, but Karl Keel felt i� could be paved without much <br />difficulty. <br />