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• <br />� <br />�� <br />'Plannin Office Hours <br />g <br />September 28, 1986 <br />• <br />Page 6 <br />Access to this property is via a narrow strip of frontage on <br />a hammerhead type cul-de-sac on the west end of Woodland. <br />The property to the north is owned by an association that <br />has maintained the property and kept it available for use by <br />a group of neighbors over a period of time, going back to <br />the late 'S0's. I suggested that developing the land with <br />the street to the rear of �he existing lots, fronting on <br />Woodbridge, would be destructive to the property and result <br />in building the houses out in the swam�. <br />Sam inquired as to a townhouse P.U.D. We suggested this <br />would be inappropriate behind �hese single family houses <br />with th� small outlet, noting too that his t�wnhouses done <br />last in the City were disappointing� It appeared that the <br />land coulcl be used �or a single building site, and realis�i- <br />cally that might be as much d�vel,opment as should occur. <br />In r�sponse to his qu�stion, I suggested that th� most <br />appropriate u�e for the land �ou1d b� for a City park, as <br />was originally proposed. He gave us a copy of an ad which <br />advertis�� th� property for sal� by khe exi,sting owner. A <br />copy af that ad is atta�ch�d. Its permitt�ci u�s� is far a <br />singl� family house. A�king pric� for the seven acre site <br />app�ars to b� �75,000. if the Ci�y is �v�r going fi�� �n��r- <br />ta�in purchasing the area, p�rhaps r�ow is th� appxopri�k� <br />time. �nce it gats sQld to a d�v�loper, tt�cr� wil� Ii{kel�r <br />be proposals for dev�loprnEnt» <br />10. Backes, 9"�4-?100 <br />R�n 8ack�s, f�om �helarc] Developmcnt Compan�r� a►as �.n w,ith <br />Hill Brisl�y, �rchirtect � to r�vie�a additionsi r�vised }a]�ans <br />for �h� developm€�r�t o� �he tir. l�ous� Froper�y �a�t �� Ric� <br />St�e�+�, sou�h of Tr�n�it Avenue. I suggested � revisi+�n �o <br />the p�rkinc� l�yaut, ��k�r�g �h� g�rkir�g away from �he front <br />�� thQ stru�ct�re, �llowing fo� l�att�r visibility �nsi a��far <br />frontage more t�rpical of good si�o�ping c�nter d�sign. �°his <br />prov�de� for gr��te� space fo� the ��ar, and m�a���ar layou� <br />for the center as �a whale, as i�. relates to th� St�ichen's <br />stor� to the s�uth. <br />Th3.s looks like a goed propos�l. That wi�� includ� th� <br />dev�lopment of � north/sou�h pr��a��e roadw�;y conn�c�ing �-2 <br />to Transit � wt�ich will m�ake thc circulation work w��.l, as <br />originally anticipa�t�ci in the P.U.a. filed by �r. Haus� fivQ <br />c�r �ix years ar�o. This ultimatcly �hould b� proc�ss�d as a <br />��.anned Unit Dovelo�m�nt. The land is zoned H-2 and B-3. <br />