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• <br />� <br />�� <br />• <br />Planning Office Hours <br />September 28, 1986 <br />Page 5 <br />They noted that comparable building projects include North- <br />land Plaza (France and 494), Northwest Business Campus, <br />Minnetc.�nka Corporate Center (west Bloomington), Opus PHP, <br />Southgate, and Ryan's Development (west of Embassy Suites in <br />Bloomington). These are all high quality developments, <br />indicative of the type of development conforming to the <br />City's policy for this r�development tax increment area. <br />They propose to be back with revised plans for review prior <br />to final submission. Craig Waldron reviewed the submissian <br />schedule, suggesting that appearance before the December <br />meeting of the Planning Commission might be timely, with <br />Council review the second Monday in Decemb�r. <br />8. Northwestern College, 631-5251 <br />Peter B�.�chles, in chargc of publie relations for Northwestern <br />College, was in to r�view their propo�ed xesignage of their <br />entrance sys�em at the Northc�estern Colleg�e campus. Th�y <br />havc now nearly completed th� construction of the new <br />entranc� aff Lydiap and propose to build a��� oE signs on <br />wzought iron gates with brick pos�s an �ither sid�: of th� <br />entrancc. I sugqested this would be appropriat�, but was <br />eonc�rned about the wooden sign they propose to place next to <br />it. I suggest�ci that this signage sriould be done mare in tt�e <br />manncr that has been done at St. Ola€ and Carleto�n Colleges <br />in Northfield. H�r� they use quality materials in th� form <br />of low ground signs, c�mp�tibl� with th� structural mat�rials <br />used on thc campus. <br />� <br />They propose to mov� �n �xisting wooden plywaod sign from �.he <br />south�a�st corn�r og the c�ampus Cthe old ec�r�ss naw ^losed), <br />to th� sou�hea�t corner of the campus, orien'ced toward <br />Snell�,ng Av�enue's south baund traffic, I suggested h�ainc� <br />s�ch a sign is ��apropriate� but tt�i� old "text�'���� 111" <br />ply�dood �ign w�s reall� not ap�aropriate anei indica�ive of �h� <br />s+�atu�� of their col le9e • �tr • euchles nQted �t3at h� had <br />supported building a better �ign, �nd seemed r�rat�ful for <br />S��e support, He will revi�w our discu�sion� with Dr. <br />E�icks�n. t�e suggested that Dr. Erieks�n cou�� call us <br />witt� any questions he had reg�rding th� signage� <br />Thc ordinance allaws for a fifty foot sign for �his purpose. <br />It apg�ears that fihe sc�le of th� signs proposed will fit <br />wit�i.n ardinance requir�ments, and no rrariance will b� <br />considered• <br />Cane <br />Sam�Canc ti�as in to revi�w th� possibili�.y af �eveloping town- <br />l�osues on a narrow stri.p ot land on th� east sid� of the park <br />north of sou�� Owasso Boul�vard, and �ast�rly �af �loodbridg�. <br />This is property that was considered for inclusion in th� <br />original. park acquisition, but was le£t out du� to the <br />owner's r�qu�sted pric�. <br />