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♦ <br />� <br />September 18, 1986 <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />SUBJ�CT: <br />Jim Andre <br />Howard Dahlgren <br />PLANNING OFFICE HOURS, SEPTEMBER 10, 1986 <br />1• Rntinozzi, 633-3415 <br />Dorothy Antinozzi was in with her daught�r, Dolor�s, Co <br />discuss the possible sale and d�velopm�nt oE their l�fld <br />locat�d north of County Road C-2, imm�digt��Y w�8t Q� the R. <br />�. �ohnson warehouse. Th�ir propQrty is part of � strip of <br />single family lots loc�at�d soutt� of Garley's Apar�m�n�g, $n� <br />fronting Qx� thQ north sid� of Counky Roadl C-2* At ���i� <br />request, this land i� n�w �hown on our Compr�hensiv� ple� �� <br />high d�nR3ity+ multi-family housinq. ThQ lan��wne�s fr�m �as�� <br />�o w@st ��� e�$�ric� 1�ntino�ai. lanother daugMker), D�rothy <br />Antinozz�, 8u�rge� ��ormcrly Dr. .T�cksor�'s hau���, ��q�,� <br />D�pR���', anci �h� l�st mne on the west sid� is ownad by Ga�l��. <br />Sh� inquir�d as �o whe�h�r or nat an o��ice b�i�di�g would b� <br />�PPxoAriat� on their s3,te. i suggested that if all th� <br />n�ighbars ac�r�ed th�t off�,c+� u�� was reaso�able, �h$t it <br />might be po��ib�e. our ,int�nt is to ta� faix �0 811 tt�Q�Q <br />neighlbors with whom we have �gr��a in the past, that ChQ ��n� <br />�ould be ul�,ima�e�y devoloped for high der�si� h f <br />y ous n� . <br />Th��r note tha� Mr. Bu�rgen wa�uld lik� t�o buy th�ir graperty� <br />He insist� ho sim�ly ���a�nts to live there. Th�y are <br />talk �t4 the rest of the�.r n�ir�h�9r� r�gar�ir�g th� ult,imat� <br />land us�. <br />we �ar� aware that �h� '�3.Yliam� BrothErs p�opo�e to s�l�. the <br />o��n spac� south �f Cou�ty Roaei C-2, �hiGh is � p�rt of their <br />�mnk €arm praperty. Thi� land is indicat�d as ir�dtastrial or� <br />the Compreh�nsive P1an. Thus, offlc� buil.dings Qca tho r�orth <br />sidE could be a��asonabl� land u�a� if app��,�d c�nsis��nt�,�r <br />to a�l the properti�s. <br />2. Reilly Tire Companv 370-0700 <br />Harold Sk��lbastad, of BRW, was ir� to r�view Reil�.y Tire <br />Company's praposal �o expand th�ir facilities on the w�st <br />� side Q� Fairview. �"his is th� old Thexmo-King maintenance <br />facility �rapert�. <br />