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r <br />Planning Office Hours <br />September 10, 1986 <br />� Page 2 <br />� Craig Waldron and Bruce Ryden were out to see the Reilly Tire <br />Company's retreading ��process at Savage. This process is <br />known as the Bandag process. It apparently features a <br />chipping process, rather than the grinding that used to occur <br />in retreading tires. Mr. Waldron reports that the process is <br />not nois�y or smokey, and apparently not an environmental <br />problem. It appears, however, tha� depending on how the <br />ventilation is handled, �here could be au�oi�hePrObentilating <br />the property. We suggested thGy P and therefore <br />equipm�nt (the fan) inside the k�uilding, <br />mitigate .. � noise problem that exists at Savage. <br />They proposc to expand the building, and pu� the storage <br />which is now outsicie t�omc of it in s�mi vans) inside the <br />building. Re,illy Tire Company has b��n in th� buildinq �or <br />approxi.mately kwoiy�ear5Theirhhead�qu�rters1isi�in�nMuscatin�, <br />Iowa, and Illino <br />Iowa, <br />T�e r�tre�d tires are used only for the t�ucking industry, <br />and r�ot fo� automabiles. ����hus�wouldn�equirnS�Spe��ial�Use <br />th€ industria�l �li�t�i�t, � <br />Per�ni�. w� �evi�wed t�� �iti�ating �ny s un�l�$pc3sce�tibl� <br />str�ssed th� impt�rt�nca o 9 <br />be�ond thc property line. <br />� 3. S�ut�enbe�r 48a-94AA <br />C��1 $tub�ni�r� 1 ves a� 2323 North Vi�+�o��a, ar�tl prop�sts t• <br />plat � n�w l�t a� t�� �outhwe�� cc�rnczr of v��to�ri� an�d Lc�vell. <br />A, par+� oE th� l�ntl cant�ir�s a hcm� w�ich �xtcsnds i�►�o thQ <br />ric�h�-aE=w�� which �ri�ll ultim��t*iy k� ne�d�d for i.c�v�l� <br />A�I�a'11a4. Ed� �C,�CClG�C� C�PI�t C�CS�,�C�t�Ot1 O� `'�1,�& C���1�'O�"id&�/ WOl,tlt� <br />� i����i1��.� �t ehi� p�ain+t, becau�� �he h�m� occupi�� part� <br />�� th� right-o�-��y. �#o��ver, 4�0 �+oul� re��ire ,� ten �oo� <br />d�ciic�+�ion �n ��c�oria, on th� ���t �icDe �f +thig lot. <br />4. �t�tra�olit�n Rc��ov�r Co�p._� 8�1-2i7� <br />A���xo�cn�A� ve f�om thQ �tetr��ol�an ���ouery Car�or���.c�n <br />w�� ��, a�c�r�g with ehc nowl�+ c�����n��Q� P�ta�'�i�l op�r�to�r o� <br />�h� 1�Q�ropallta�n Recaver�► faci�.i�� prQpo��cl a�nd ap�ro�r�d �n <br />Rn��evil��. Th�� rev�.ewod wi�h +�� �h� Pr�gre�s� o� th�e�r <br />s�piica�tion t�hrouc�h t�� S�a�.�, no�inc� +�h�� Ein�l appro�ral wa� <br />�xp�c��d w���►in sev�r�l montMs. The�r in�u�.red re�g�rdinc� �he <br />possib�li�� of s�.�rtinc� construction priar ta �ha final per� <br />m��. we �►o�ed that �ur cons!tructian procadure� a�low fo� <br />fo�unc�akiara pcxmits, but wo�ld h�v� tio i�e �xce�deri b�► � <br />r�vi�w c�� th� ��te pl�n �and preliminary �rch�te�tur�l <br />da-��ings for �h� s�xu�t�ure. DeF��nding upora �xact wor�ding o� <br />�,�� p����.t, we may or m�y not b��� �ble to i��ue a�oundation <br />permit pr:�or t�a iinal ap�x�va1 5;r- the St���: <br />� In �he ���nti��e��tior��for�taking of �idsecdandtwill�lmonit r <br />plan� and p�epar <br />th� timing of th� permit from th� PCA• <br />