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• <br />� <br />� <br />Plann' � <br />ing Office Hours • <br />September 10, 1986 Page 5 <br />We noted the limitat.ion of the development due to the need <br />for parking. W� stressed an imaginative design, with sub- <br />stantial setback froni Gounty Road B, so as to maintain the <br />aesthetic quality in t�� are,a. <br />All the land is now uf,E 'chc tax roles, and portions of the <br />land might be brougrnt back with an intelligent and <br />imaginative design. Th�y are <br />Fossibilities in consultaltion with aniarchi�ec�,�anddeelderle <br />car� specialist. y <br />�2. Moses. 920-5505 <br />Terry MASCS dropped by tc� inquir� as to <br />redevelopm�nt of residen�ial properties easte�lybogipaV�lion <br />Plac�e Shopp�.ng Cent�r. I i1oted my concerns relariv� to the <br />traffic impact on the n�igh��orhood to th� northw�st, and th� <br />Gouncil°s policy r�gardinc� the necessi��r far an "'ove�- <br />w��lm�n9 ma3ority�� of �ing1€: family 1anc�own�rs invalved in <br />�h� �conversion of �ingle f�mi�y arcas to busin�ss use. <br />w� su�ges�ted a�ny significa►nt dev�lApm�nt with mccesg off <br />Aakcr�st would !�� a �raffic <br />u��rs. H� noeed tk�at some o£�the�la�nd w�ers areg�nx family <br />mo�r�, ��. is doubt�u3► without su]bstantia� subs�idy, wh�ther <br />or not the e�c�nomjcs of the convQrsion in this ar�a is <br />possi}�lc at �hi� titn�. <br />13. E���k�dt �33-9519 <br />h�ah�mcd Elakkaci �eside�� at �336 Count R�Bd 8, <br />�r��oscss �o �dd eer, ���et �ta h�� Y M�. E�$kkad <br />v�ri�a�c�. �h�,s $ gara+9�, rer�uiri�e� a mino� <br />tl�e pi�,n �� h�s home��r�� �he$�oc�ti�n�of�the� in view �� <br />the �i��� structure on <br />�� n�ted thae appra�ral fr�m n�ic�hbQ,rs �on either sid� a� his <br />la� w�uld 1�� requi�ed fc�r pr�c��es�in�7 as � minor va�i�ryccs. <br />�4. Reinh�ar� �93-15�7 <br />Rab��t Re,nhaat Iiv�s �t 5�5 He:inel Arive, and ro Q, <br />�dd Q,ic�ht ��e�t tca the ��•�nt �f his hc,u��, which is curz�ntlo <br />loc�ted a0Q iee� �r�m the �ha�elinc. The pra�osed a�dcl��ioY <br />�n� �x?i���n�' str�uctur� conform� to all �horelin� zo��n� <br />�'�grui��n�en��: thus, �h� d�v�logm�tnt ��opQsal can b� <br />pro�e�seci ro�a�in��� di���ta�, ta �hc Council. <br />15. �C�e��nra� 635-Q390 <br />F'1oy►d Che��t�ut and Stev� Saundexs �a�r�� in ka cli�cuss the <br />po�sibl�� ��c�ev�l�pm�nt 4� the propert�► north o� th� <br />McDca,���d ��,;.�e, ��d r�mo�ing the e�;i,sting restaurant and <br />building a n�w K�ntucbcy Frieei �h��}c�n oiltl�t. <br />T ex�ar�ss�d my �conc�xns againP r�g�irc��.a�c� th� Ultimate <br />d�'��1oPm�nt of th� vac�n� land ta the �,rest, which is iancl- <br />locked by the �1cUonald's sit� and the pr�operty to the nortt� <br />bath own�d by� the sam� person. r <br />