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r' <br />L_J <br />� September 11, 1986 <br />TO: Jim Andre <br />FROM: Howard Dahlgren <br />SUBJECT: PLANNING OFFICE HOURS, SEPTEM�ER 3, 1986 <br />1. Richardson, 333-6660 <br />Kit Richardson is an architect working for Maribelle Farr, <br />who lives at 1265 Josephine Road. Her f ather's home is can <br />contiguous property at 1261 Josephine Road. His house was <br />built in 1977. She proposes to sell her house and put an <br />addition on her f ather's house, so that she and her four sons <br />can move into her father's home and care for him in his <br />elderly years. Her father's house is one story, with a two <br />car attached garage. <br />The addition wauld be built in the corner of an L, in the L- <br />shaped footprint, oriented toward the lake. It would slightly <br />decr�.ase the distance from the lake, but would be in line <br />� with the front of the existing house. There may be a second <br />fl�or on this portion of the addition, plus over the garage <br />to add the appropriate number of bedrooms. <br />I suggested that this would likely be a very exp�nsive <br />addition, and that there might be some more economical method <br />of solving their joint housing problem. He is going to look <br />at the approximate cost and review it with Ms. Farr. It <br />appeared, from the standpoint of a shoreline zoning approval, <br />that the physical configuration addition would not be a <br />prob].em . <br />2. Hawkins, 545-0405 <br />Greg Hawkins, reprsenting Merrill Lynch, Raseville office, <br />was in to review a possible addition to and conversion of the <br />old "Gold Gym" building on County Road B to Merrill Lynch's <br />Roseville headquarters. He presented a plan indicati�.g the <br />way in which 1,980 square feet could be added to the 1,080 <br />square feet that exists, �roviding a total of 12,060 square <br />feet. This would require sixty parking sp��ces. It is <br />physically possible to put sixty spaces on the site though, <br />according to Mr. Hawkins, the realtor's use of the building <br />would not require such space. <br />We suggested they analyze their existing affices and do <br />research regarding thei.r actual parking needs. We suggested <br />S that based on an accommodation of sixty spaces on the site, a <br />building �ermit could be issued for the expar�sion. In the <br />interest of saving more grass area, a variance could then be <br />processed, if their research proves that less than sixty <br />spaces are required. <br />