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_, � <br />f Planning Office Hours <br />September 3, 1986 <br />Page 2 <br />� They have other offices in the Metropolitan Area. Research <br />in these offices might also be helpful in determining the <br />real needs for their parking accommodation. <br />� <br />� <br />3. Kovarik, 484-3412 <br />Lawrence (Bud) Kovarik was in to discuss his desire to retain <br />his thirty foot wide driveway for his residence on Iona Lane <br />between Matilda and Galtier. Mr.. Honchell nated that the <br />maxi.num width is twenty-two feet, and that in the process of <br />redoing the street the curb cut would be reduced to that <br />dimension. <br />We reviewed, with him, possible ways in which tY�e reduction <br />could be made and still provide access to his double garage <br />plus the parking space he has paved contiguous to ha.s garag� <br />on the east sicl.e. He i.s going to look at the suggestions on <br />the site, and see if he can work out a solution. Mr. <br />Honchell noted that they can place the twenty-two fe�t <br />wherever he likes, in a manner so it best serves hi� intere�t. <br />4. Michaels, 633-1911 <br />Jim Michaels was in to review the possibility of his <br />acquiring prop�rties to the east side of Dale Street, <br />southexly of Transit, where an extension of a cul-de-sac, <br />similar ta that which was done on Transit Avenue, could <br />develop a double row of lots from Dale Street to the school <br />property on the east. He has talked ta the owners, and <br />apparently three owners in �he southeasterly portion o£ the <br />land affec�ed are opposed. <br />Mr. Honchell reviewed with him procedures and regulations <br />regarding a feasibil.ity study to consider the possibility of <br />the City coz�structing the cul-de-sac with or without condem- <br />nation, as may be necessary. We reviewed other �laces in the <br />City where this had been done, and the circumstances th�reto <br />(some of which were done by Michaels). <br />We explored ways in which the disinterested property owners <br />might be left out, though this would prove to be difficult in <br />this case. <br />5. Pinola, 483-3627 <br />�ohn Pinola lives at 2976 Victoria (east of Victoria, k�etween <br />Millwood and Brenner), and proposes to put a twe].ve foot by <br />twenty-two foot addition on the back of h:i.s existing free- <br />standing garage. The existii�g garage is eight��en inches from <br />his north property line in a five foot setback area. I�e <br />wauld thus require a minar variance to add to th� existing <br />nonconforming structure. Mr. Honchell also suggested that he <br />ap�ly for a two foot set-back �or his existing driveway, <br />which is required normally ta pe five feet from ris north <br />property line. It appears t;�is propos�l is logical. <br />Mr. Pinola notes that his ��ontiguous neighbor to the north <br />does not object. It will �illow him to stare inside some of <br />the equipment that he now s�t.?.�es outside. <br />