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� <br />� <br />�/ <br />LJ <br />September 11 1986� <br />, <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />Jim Andre <br />Howard Dahlgren <br />� <br />SUBJECT: PLANNING OFFICE HOrJRS, AUGUST 27, 1986 <br />1. Palmataer, 645-0223 <br />Rick Palmataer was in with ,7ohn Mojsiej, from State Farm <br />Insuranc�e Company, to discuss groposed directional signs tor <br />their site at the east quadrant of Snel�ing and Highway 36. <br />They have propo�ed a s�ries o� signs, which included "ST4P" <br />signs and a 36°' x 24" pane3. designating Visitor and Employee <br />Entrances. The S�OP signs were for internal traftic leavi�g <br />the site onto public street�. We not�d that th� STOP signs <br />were permissible, and that the dir�ecti�r�al signs, a.f reduced <br />to 36" x 18" would not require a vari�ance. <br />The sagns are mounted on two posts at the ends of the signs <br />rather than one �ost in the middle. We noted that this is <br />permissible. Therefore, w� vuggested that they simpl� reduce <br />the siz� of the directional sign to that allowed in the <br />ordi.z�ance ( 36" x 18" ), and procPec� without a variance. <br />2. Salzl, 339-6122 <br />Jim Salzl� Development Coardinator on the Villa Park project <br />being done by the Housing Alliance, was in �o review their <br />current planning and discussions with contiguous neighbor� <br />regard�.ng landscaping on primarily tl�e east sicie of the <br />project. The contiguous owners are Mueller (near the south- <br />east corner of the site), ar�d Zechbauer, who owns about <br />three-quarters of the land c��n�iguou� to the east side of the <br />site, <br />H� noted that Mueller want�d a fence, which they propos�e to <br />pro�ide (boazri on board) on the property line, plus planting <br />similar to that which was originally propos�d and approved by <br />the Council. Mueller wants a tree removed that overlap� on <br />his site. We suggested this mature tree not be remnved, in� <br />asmuch as it softens the building to the southeast in general. <br />S�lz1 said that Zechbauer w�nted a six faot high chain link <br />fence. He is apparently concerned abaut intr�tsion into his <br />property. From a Senior Citizen site, this seemed rather <br />unlik�ly to us. We suggesteel he try to negotiate a four foot <br />fence with Mr. Z�echbauer, which would appear much less <br />industrial. In any case, that portion of the fence within <br />thirty feet of County Road B eannot be more than fo�ar feet <br />high (within the front yard). <br />Mro Salzl will continue to work with these two parties and <br />get back to the City with final results. We noted we prefer <br />to have the agreement directly between the property owners <br />and develop�r with final review by the City (within reason- <br />able parameters). <br />