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� <br />� <br />n <br />L_J <br />Planning Office Hours <br />August 27, 1986 <br />• <br />Page 2 <br />3. Hackworthy <br />C. R. Hackworthy, builder, and Bob Murray from the Butler <br />Company, realtor, were in to review a proposal to develop a <br />9,000 square foot building on the south side of County Road <br />C, contiguous to the west border of the City. The proposed <br />building is 9,000 square feet, with two floors, requiring <br />forty-five parking spaces. They are planning to keep it a <br />total of sixty-four, allowing for expansion. We suggested a <br />revision to the plan that would put the building on line with <br />the office building to the west (in St. Anthoni), and to the <br />east. They will have provisions for an easement through the <br />site in the event it is necessary to develop the land to the <br />south, which is part of a larger parcel with frontage on <br />walnut Street. <br />This proposal would come to the Planning Commission and <br />Council in the form of a land division. <br />4. Franke, 636-6400 <br />Bill Franke was in with Tom Smouffer, Comptroller, ar�d Tim <br />Nelson from Jeff Nielsen's Development Company, to talk about <br />a contemplated redevelopment of the southeast carner of <br />Highway 36 and Hamline Avenue, replacing the Wilbert-Chandler <br />Vault Company structure and several hQuses to the south. The <br />proposal is to construct two office buildings, the northerly <br />one of which would be ten stories, and the s�utherly one <br />three stories. The ten story structure would h�ve the gross <br />square footage of 138,740 and the three story would have <br />50,000 square feet. Parking would be on the surface witb. a <br />green buffer strip to the east, contiguous to the rear lot <br />lines of single family houses to the east of the site. <br />Some of these lots are 300 f�et deep and greater� We <br />suggested one possibility of acquiring porkions of these 1ots, <br />so as to provide a wider buffer strip. Once the land in <br />question is d�veloped, the further development of the 300 <br />foot deep lots would be difficult, if not imposs;lble. <br />They note that five of the eight home owners are willing to <br />sell, and are talking to the others. We noted the City's <br />policy where residences are redeveloped t�at there be an <br />"overwhelming majority" of the residents in favor. <br />I suggested that the replacement of the vault factory with an <br />office building is desirable, but that the ten story height <br />might prove a problem to contiguous landowners. <br />Perhaps a more serious concern is the absorption of the <br />office space market in relationship to other committed tax <br />district projects, particularly those west of 35W. Their <br />financial program proposed a fifteen year bond with three <br />years of capitalized interest, with a bond sale this year at <br />approximately 10.5 percent (taxable). Gross bond sales would <br />approximate $2,3 million. <br />