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� <br />� <br />� <br />Plann�ng Office Hours <br />August 20, 1986 <br />: J <br />Page 5 <br />9. Kline, 788-9361 <br />Leon Kline was back with C. R. Hackworthy, builder, to review <br />their development proposal for a new office buidling at the <br />south side of County Road C, contiguous to the west boundary <br />of the City. This building, as you recall, was to be two <br />stories high, with approximately 9,000 square feet <br />(previously reported at 8,000 square feet), for SMR Computer <br />Services. <br />Their site plan indicated a future easement for access to the <br />land to the south, whic� was one of our concerns. I <br />suggested the building be turned north/south so as to relate <br />to the grass space to the west of the site, contiguous to the <br />nearby structure in St. Anthony. This would provide for a <br />more efficient parking arrangement and future e��ansion of <br />the facility. <br />It wQuld appear that this building could be constructed <br />between the two existing office buildings to the east and <br />west, and appear quite attractive, while maintaining the <br />minimum forty foot landscaping area in front of the building <br />as required by the ordinance. <br />10. Rieschl, 489-6464 <br />Vivian and Bob Rieschl own the prope�cty �t 239� Rice Str�et, <br />which is a farmer restaurant, ��aith atta�hecl dwelling <br />facilities on th� west side at the structure. W� have <br />noted, in response to previous inquiiries, that it will �i� <br />difficult to remodel this building to expanded restaurant <br />u�e becau�e of th� smalt scale of the si�e, and the location <br />of the s�ructure in approximately the middle. The sit� is <br />only 120 fe�t by 120 £eet, which is small for a restaurant <br />site. We noted that the best soi.ution may in�rolve removal <br />of the structure, rather than s�ending $34-40,000 �o remodel <br />the old, and yet wind up with inadequate and <br />subst�mdard parking. We suggesteei tk��y have some preliminary <br />plans drawn, indicating various possibilities bef�ore they <br />decide to do either. <br />Their immediate interest is ta sell the proper�y to an <br />appropriate user. We discussed other possible uses, less <br />intensive, for parking as pos�ible alternative�� <br />