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�� <br />� <br />August 22, 1986 <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />Jim Andre <br />Howard Dahlgren <br />SUBJECT: PLANNING OFFICE HOURS, AUGUST 14, 1986 <br />1. Hanet. 646-7901 <br />Reed Banet, from Paster Enterprises, was <br />proposed progress on their redevelopment for <br />centers on the east side of Lexington, and <br />center on the west side. <br />in to review <br />the shopping <br />the proposed <br />On the east side they propose to beg3.n the work this fall, <br />starting August 25, with the likeliho4d that the land�caping <br />will be done next sp�ing. The locations of tD�e driueways <br />have been revised and fixed. The City is to do t�e curb wo�k <br />on Roma and Dionne with work to be done furthear east on <br />Dionne, pendinq the City's review of �atility solut3.ons e�st- <br />ward. <br />On the west side, th�y propo�e to have a meeting w�.th the <br />cantiguou� ne�.ghbors to the rear, which would L�e conducted� <br />Tuesday, August 19. The puxpose o� �his will be t4 ascer�tain <br />l�ndscap�ng and/or fen�cing detai].s in the transitional �trip <br />to th� r�ar of the c�n��r. To�al inv�stment for building and <br />site work ot� the westt si.d� d�v�lopm�nt is 51.1 million. �he <br />anchor t�naan� wi 11. b€ '�al lgreen' s. <br />They �r� st�ll ta solv� th� prohlem on the joint <br />access drive o�f Roma, cantiguous �o the Rab�rt gaul T`l site <br />which is or�n�d �y ��a��►s.3un txust func�, and manag�d by te�e <br />�lor�gn Guarant�� Trust Company au� of N�w� York. Th�e l��int <br />has �xpressed no �.nter��t in any chang�s invoivin�g j <br />access. '�ha Pastr�r ��ople are att�mpting to ?�uy th� prol���is <br />or get �.n agx��m�nt for th� �oint acC�ss �irive. <br />possibla �h� joint�ss drive solution m�y hav� to occt�r <br />l�t�r. <br />2. Kline. 633-9525 <br />L�ox� K1 n� �+as ir� witk� Hob Murrcy, a re�l�or with �. M. <br />�utler Company. Leon is the gresidcnt oE SNtR �omgut�r <br />Servi�es, who n��d an 8,000 sqUar� foot, twv �tiory building, <br />which th�y would like to locate soutl� of Caunty Road C, at <br />�the extr�me w�st ea�d of the City. This would b� a 22b by 205 <br />f�ot site carv�d out of � lare�c tract of land that ruRs from <br />the tracks to County �oad C, and west �f walnu� ���ee�. to the <br />City lin�. I expresscd canc�rn about providing access to th� <br />northwe�terl�� corner �f th� si�� in th� futur�, when and if <br />th�ese properties migh� be divided and r�ore intensely <br />d�ve].o�ed. W� talked about providin� an �asemeni through <br />this land for that purpose. They will prepare soan� <br />pr�l�.mi.nary site plans to inve�tigat� feas�b�.lit� of the si�e <br />development. <br />