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� <br />� <br />LJ <br />Plannin Off' � <br />g zce Hours <br />Augu�t 14, 19�6 <br />� <br />Page 3 <br />6. Nessitt, 541-1000 <br />Eric Nessitt was in with Gene Ernst, la�dscape artchi��ct to <br />discuss the finalized landsca in ' <br />br�dge. Th�s� plans indica�e ghe1plantingpof Slar e� WOAd- <br />four to six in�hes, a�d �he com�1et�on of the landscaping <br />program far the entire sXte, exc�pt where building pads a�d <br />park�ng are propos�d, Thus, this initial pla�ting w�uld <br />include the planting along the roadwa�s, construction of th� <br />trails and s�dewalks, and the <br />tiguous t4 the roadways so tihatrading n� the propert�es ca�- <br />can b� installed. T�e� a�s� F���anent plantf�g and g�as� <br />be dev�lQp�d in later sta�esp�owithd��� inst�llati�n�eof �� <br />t�mporary watering s�st�m so as ta maintain the�� ar�as in � <br />park-�ik� �nvironment as the d�v�lopm�nt oeeurs. <br />WE d�scussed th� n�eds fo� s�r��n�ng along the �ast �ide �f <br />�h� Project �n th� w�st si�e o£ Clev�l$n� � <br />r��idenc�� n�a� th� nort,h �nd af the • p��sit� �h� <br />on� equal� t���ty �@�t scale �rawing�twhich �th��steh�� <br />pr�vioU�ly b�gun, �o illu�tra�� in qrea��x d�tai1 kri� <br />ber�ing, ��� pl�nt ma�er�a1 to b� l�c�t�d in this ar�arad�h0� <br />r�main�e� of the dr$win� 1ook� good, �it� a <br />pl�nt ma�er��� to �� put in, �� consid����le�o����l�etion o� <br />lar�e c�liber �r��s. �ns�, �ith <br />7. ���tl�r 4�9�3850 <br />R�H an� Jerr� K�t���r w�x� �n to d�sc�ss �h� pos�ib�� <br />constructian a� a dupl�� a� �h� lat a� th� n���hQ�s� �orn�r <br />af C�uney Ro�d ��2 and Gcxi�q�on. �hi� Yo� is �on�d R-�. ��� <br />suggQs�ed t�� drfvc�ays B� ori��t�d to �-2 rath�r �han <br />Lexingto�, and ehat ��oy in�lude � k�r�a�ou�d f�c��it� fa� <br />vQhici�s on th� �i��, <br />w� noted the r�l�s for dividfn �h� <br />in�l�d��g �h� �equir�mene of s�p��a�e�s��er���� wat� �u�ura, <br />t� �dch u�i�. r lin�� <br />$. Gillas 830-A60� <br />R�y G 1��, loeal �al�s m�n�ger for Union <br />�t���a��, w�� in ���h �ill Ridge��Y. Q�gin��r out <br />and Dick Gunn, welA know� con��mn��ion �ttar���, <br />si�ustion wi�h �h�ir prop��ty at the noxthwos� <br />�aunty Road e ��d Sn�lling, <br />76 ��rvi�Q <br />of Chic�go, <br />to ��vi�w � <br />corn�r af <br />They h�v� be�n nes�o�ia�ing wi�h Charl�.c �ar�ch��.l r�gardiraa� <br />land �cquisi.tion a�d passibl� �x�hangEF so t�a� �.h�ir �itc <br />could be dev��c�ped �nd ac�omr�ad�te r��o�.�ting of �h� right-�f- <br />wa� with a s�rvic� r�oad on sn� Atienu�: s�rair�g �h�,� <br />ne��e�hw�s� qu�drant. Th�� �ro�uc�d a site <br />thei� �bility to de�iicat� �en fe�t of riqhtpo�nwa�nd����th� <br />north sid�, in possibl� �xchangE fcar thir�y�-thr�e f�et of � <br />short�r of r.�ght-o�-wa�r on thr �ast side t wher� t;h� <br />s�rvice road woul�i b� r�moved). <br />