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i <br />� <br />Planning Of�fice Hours <br />Aug�.tst 14 , 1.986 <br />� Pa e 2 <br />g <br />3. Matthews, �83-69i1 <br />Mark Matth�ws, local manag�r for Group W Cable System, was in <br />with John Eddy, Regiona' C.E.O. for. Group W, to review <br />possible solutions for their use of tihe old Owasso School <br />site which, of course, they ha�vc under leas� fzom tihe <br />I�oseville Sehool v:istrict. The Roseville system will become <br />part of the North �entral Cab1e CompanX with management to b� <br />in Rosevill.e. Other areas i.ncludc Blaine, Anoka, arrd White <br />eear Lake. <br />Proj�cted parking need� would includ� app,rax3ma��ly �hir�,�- <br />twc� additional spaces, casterly of the pre��n� parking ar�a. <br />The existing parkinq for servic� v�hicl�s is et about one <br />hundred twenty-nine space�. �uture wc��1d bE on� hundr�ci <br />sixty-one, based on epproximatcly on� hundr�d empinyees. �. <br />noted tha�t the aciditional. parking arx�,� r�q�uire a Sp�cial U�e <br />g�tmit ir� �ccordanc� with th� rQg�la�ions the City r�visotl <br />for the usQ af school �roperty �eY��n og a�ght yeerg ac�o. <br />ThQy a�re going to prepa�re mare p�c�e��e plans dhc� ma�tQ �pgZi- <br />c�eion for tho ��rmit� <br />In response to our guestin�, Mr. 6�ta��Y�ews no�t�d �hae th� <br />facili�y S.s e�x pay�ing �t 8pp�oasionacely S80,OOd pc�r �+c���� <br />� No adc�itian�l building construction is cantemplat�d, �nc! tt�c� <br />City'g u�e o� thc rQc����ion�� ,�rea �o th� �oueh wi,l� rc3ma��n <br />ir► t�c�. <br />�� <br />4� Treut�. �Q6-4�61 <br />John T��u��, from �ha Sh�iard Cc�n�p�r��, wa►$ in wi�h �gu�c� <br />�7one� and Bill f�ri��ley o� +�hc� 360 Ar�hitc�c+t's Compaa��r. Thoy <br />�re laakine� at +�he c�ove�iap�nt o� ���t�il c��tc�r of �►ppra�i- <br />matel� 20, 400 squ�rc� �eczt on �hca pro�r�� o�n�� by Ar, �tou�e, <br />�� �hQ soutMwQs� eorne�c aE Tsa��s�e and R��a ���ec��. <br />we reviowad prQ�edurQs �nd c�iteri�� i��lu�lin� our cQncarn <br />�o� the� �o�the+tic prot+e�tion oE thQ pand �nd �Q�iden�ial a��a► <br />�a �thc� west. s�►e nated �t�e �ec�d for �inished bu,i:irlin�s on <br />four sic3es, �nd p�ovision� Fa� $�cQs� �or the ��o�artiQs tQ <br />thes sQu�hw�s� Calsa ownQd by Qr. Nousa) duc� to th� acca�i�na�l <br />leit tu�n morremen�ts on Ri�ce Stxoet. �Ma� are in�ores�Qd �.n <br />deu��oping �"qualit�r a�a�e��ing" ce�tar, �nd �i�l pursur� prQ- <br />limin�ry conGe�t plans. <br />5. �1SOh04+tSk� 831-3�Oa <br />Don Olsonowsk s n�ex�st�d ia� buil�3ing � car car� cancc�pt <br />c�r:��r to includ� a t�a���i5�a.ori �3,iii.ic, ���� lub� ��ci�i- <br />�i�s, e�c. H� envis�g�s a ten to twelve thausar�d squ8�e <br />foot, one story building; �erhaps th� nec�d for one to on� �nd <br />one-half acres. H� is looking at the possibili��y of th� old <br />Trapp's ga� st��inn site at th� rior�heast cort�er of Old High- <br />way 8 and County Road C-2. Wc dissuad�d him �rom looking at� <br />tax incr�ment prop�rties in th� vicinity of County Road C and <br />35W�. <br />