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� <br />� <br />� <br />• <br />Planning Office Hours <br />July 30, 1986 <br />• Pa e 3 <br />g <br />�oday, Mr. Hahn came in with Mr. Jean Parranto and Mr. Ed <br />Phillips, who is an architect out of Mankato. They presented <br />plans for the development of a Heritage Inn facility on the <br />�impte parcel located to the west of Long Lake Ro�d and south <br />of County Road C. �enerally speaking, the plans which wer� <br />presented and discussed tod�y represe�t � very distinc� <br />improvement over th� direction w�ich Mr. Hah� seemed �o b� <br />taking last ��ek. <br />�� discussed the pr�posed sit� de��lopm�nt concep�, a�d made <br />som� suggestions for impravements in �rie b�ilding matorials, <br />lands��pe treatment, �nd site circula�ion. How�v�r, th� <br />ovQral� appra��h �� �h� dev�lopment of th� sit� and t�� <br />gen�ral qus�i�y of th� �onstructian �pp��red t� bc� muc� <br />b�t��r than that wh�c� was propo�ed aarli�r. Th�s d�v��o�- <br />ment wauld ��ovide tha opportu�ity ta cle$n up th� use which <br />i� �urrcntly 3n �l�cc o� tho �imptQ si�Q. it is thQi� in��n- <br />�i�� to r�vise �h��r �l�ns �nd a�t��d noxt wQ�k`s Of��c� <br />Hauxs $e�sion. <br />i. R��rt�afl b33��5�� <br />GQnc� �oEaar��on 1 ve� �n R��biQr Ra��, �nd ,�s ��tmr�gt� in <br />��att�n� � mino� va�iancQ to �o���es a�a�aq� ne�r��r +���a �ida <br />�p��d t��n �h� �Q��irc��l �et�a�ci�. �ca hes � �p�at� �h��h �h�r� <br />�thr� �ro��rs� g���g�� ��at�an, �an� �h� �cra�+�r� �or �h� gara��Q <br />1oc���e�n i� eh� n�Q�i �� ��o+�e�� � v��� l�r�s�, n��ur� �us�ar <br />map�e an h.�� ��o��rt�. �1� h�� �h�a �is����urQ �n� �ppr��r�l a� <br />th� abo�c�ir�g ��a��t� ���r, �r�d� �►o� onQ �n e�Q a�����n� <br />�n�iqhh��h� ob�c�c!�� �a �h�� ���ro�o�nt. <br />8, ��n�:�sa b 31 � i i 11� <br />�,. .a._..�...�:a <br />�or��r ������� �r�� �n���.r3�n� a�� �to �D�c� pro�csd��e� �+�� <br />pr��c����nq � �����s� �o� t�r� ��d�er�lo�nc �f �h� 'l'��n ���e� <br />F'�e�iq#�� ���p�rt� +�n �ho €t��e sid� a� ��n� i��k� ���d. �'he <br />p���t�� ��� ��� rc���delop�m�n� c�� th� �ra��trt� w�a��� �r��a� <br />��ct�Q��ad a���e� ��r � a�ht�lt����� club t�p�c s�� ���, �#��� a� et�� <br />�onuc�r��e�or� �a���c���d a►��itn�l �h� �a��t��i�t� �rl'i�h ���e���t t�Q <br />�Qvel�ap+mt�n� of �ha �r�a�a� ��, r�o�� r�ota����► �i�� ���c l�n�r saa�a- <br />o�ene� and ��� NSP vve�ho�� ��►Q� l,�n� �a�Qr�an�� w3�,i��r a��ec� <br />thQ dQvc�lopm�nt pc�������1 �o� �ha pra���t�►k <br />�t�s mado ,�t vr���► �lo�r to �tz . V�na��� +�h�� +t�i� t�c� Q� ���, <br /> e�onerall� eon���tant witt► �h� B-� u���, �r�� n�e of tho <br />1Qv�1 a� i�►t+�ns�ty �hi��r would b� e�nsi�eet�� w�.�h the� <br />�ol�ci�s which �l�� Ci�y hss Ear i�s t�argczk arc��. �►E�er a <br />L'��r � i.�a��ii�� LA�:7i�iiJ�iil17 j ��1 a Y�il���� `dd:s g �C��� �� �.i30 <br />a�pl�.c�tion go�m �►nd saiei that ho wauld ra��rn �� t�lk with <br />th� ���Ef �t � sub��c�u�n� t���'ic� �iaurs so�sion. <br />