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� <br />� <br />f f ice Hour � <br />Planning 0 <br />Jul� 30, 1986 <br />� Pa e 4 <br />g <br />9. Jarvis, Davidson 884-6878 <br />Jerry Jarvis and Tom Davidson are both realtors with Merri�.l <br />Lynch. �hey have been given the listing for the Ruan paxcel <br />on the north side of County Road C to t�he west of 35W. They <br />discuss�d the location of a Comfort Inn and r�tail �trip <br />center. We exp�ained that the hotel use may be deemed accep- <br />t�ble if its appropriate 3n image and design, but �kfiat th� <br />ret�il us� was not generally cons3.stent with the ty�� o� uses <br />t� th� City envisioned far this axea. <br />Th�y explained that the Ruan owners were v�ry it�teresked i� <br />sQiling the property, a�d it made it �ery clea� �� the <br />Merrill Lynch p�ople that they would 1ik� to h�v� ft �sa1.d by <br />this fall. w� encouragad them �o have th� �ropo5e�d! <br />dc�vclogers prcpa�e site plans and c4m� in �nc3 di��t��s them <br />with ug. <br />10. vinr�e�3 ��6-67q7 <br />M�cm�� V�,nnas w�s in, rapre�en�inc� tho Ramsc�y Cc�untg� lGibr�xy. <br />��tr, d�nnQ� explained th�t RamsQy Count�r has �e�cc�ntly bc���a <br />q��nt�d bondin�t authority �or �p to S15 mi�li�n +�s� �.a�at� g <br />�c�+� t�am�Q�r Count� Libr�ar� Meadquar�er� f�cil�t,g� se�mc�whe�Q ir� <br />1R�sa� C�un�y. He h�d t�i��� � c�n�ul���� �tcar�tl�, �+hc� <br />���on�l� rflco�vn�nc9ctd a��emp�ir�Q �o �ind a la�a�tiQr� E�� �hi� <br />f�c�,ii�:�+ w���in tl�� Cit� of RosavillQ. �n p�rtic�lar, t�h�ir <br />��itari� fc�� �i�e ���Q�ei�� indieat� r.h+�t �h� nc��cs�� t� �he <br />ma��� ��nter �tea or m��a� �hop�p�ngi �ra�� w�uld �e th� t��+� <br />��tc��. <br />�t� �r�u�d�� h��+ w�+�h t��+�a in�oron�t�e�n, �a�d c��acou�aqea� him �� <br />���� �� car��Ac� a���h �� a� thc�t �en� ��go��h �h+�ia �r�c��� � <br />t�c� ���� �e�s�n���i�� �c�d di�cus�c�� A e���lct of �r��s�g+tie�s �h,�eh <br />��� � ��an+��+�1�� d�+�aer����i�l� �o� thi� �►�s� it� �hQ a��ct� <br />�r��a��d �������� �C���e��. t�� �old ��1�. vi���� �k��t �h� Git� <br />�a���d 1t� �e�r� �nac��u� t� ce��p����� ��+�h h�m �n r���a v€�n�urr�» <br />��� ��k�� �hat t�� k��p �a� ir����m�� r <br />�1. �l���h�w ��1-A�67'i <br />����r0� lie�a�. o� �tQ�� ���ble�, h�d b��a� i� �e� UE�ica Hc,u�� <br />�Q��i�n l��t �a��;k, �nc� h�d pr��e���d �a�� gl�n� �,a ��r�vid+� <br />p�e�k���� �� ���u� ehoir ��ci��in� fgc�l���. '�i�e �al�n� wh,i�h t�� <br />p�e��en��d ��to�rc�� �em� �dditian�� p�rkin� car� t�,�a ��c�e t��++A�dl <br />�,��� �r���a. w� m�da �amQ reeo�mQr�d�tie��� ��� �es�inar�Qn+�� �� <br />thQ�a �l�n� �r►� e�i�cu��Qd, �n ��i+�icul��, �hQ l,.o�atiare �ear <br />the cu�t� cu� �cc�ss c,ue onta �t��dh�ll D�ci��, ��� ax�o �u�- <br />�!e����ci t1��t� �h�y �rQ�ar� %ar�tl��ap� �lart� ��+hich vor� hc�av�ly <br />���c3�t1 ��1.�� �Teg����7A g��l�inq �rca troan 'v:i��v�ii� �c�:�3a4. <br />�n� o� tiz� int���seine� i��m� which c�n�� u� in �i�e dis�ussican <br />was �he �ac� tt3a�t eher� �xi�t� �omc� �car�y Eocat da���a d�y we11s <br />an tt�� �ic�e of ti�i� �ormer ��ha�l prop�rt�r, which w�s <br />�l��ground. Thes� �lry well� ��a vex� uc�sa�� �t thi� poir�t, <br />wi��h remov�t�].� g�i,d covcrs �nd th�n simply � for�.y �oot de�p <br />hc�1e ���h som� w�,tQr in the bQttam. �e maele it uery �1car �o <br />Mr. N1at�hew that it w�s importarat khat this b� �acured befor�: <br />this �roa b� dev�lop�d For parking. <br />