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• <br />� <br />� <br />July 24, 1986 <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />SUBJECT: <br />Jim Andre <br />Howard Dahlgren <br />PLANNING OFFICE HOURSo JULY 23, 1986 <br />1. Tramm, 633-1760 <br />Kim Tramm is with Marpon Homes, Inc. out of Arden Hills (in <br />business since 1967). He was contacted by Mrs. Gephart, with <br />whom we had discussed the possibilities for the development <br />of a sma11 cul-de-sac at the northwest quadrant of Victoria <br />and County Road B. He is interested in developing, what <br />would appe�ar to be about seven or eight single family. <br />Dave Janisch showed him the location profile for storm sewer, <br />which is on the rear lot line of the four lots fronting on <br />ui.ctoria. This storm sewer would be the alignment of a <br />passibl� cul-de-sac opening up the lots north of County Road <br />H. <br />Y sU9gested that he get some topographi�al data, and prepare <br />a preliminar�r plan For subseq�tent review by the City. <br />2. Ri�333�36�4 <br />Hal Ring �as n�a discuss kh�* possible expansion of the old <br />Tt�ermo King Buildir�g on the west side of Fairvi�w, south of <br />Paci�ic Door Company. This site� is now occupi�d by the <br />R�:i11y Tire Comp�ny, who proposed an add�.�iom on the westerly <br />side, with st��l and �eta1 panels cnot a pole sheci), The <br />building is �et back fiere ��@t from the north prop�rty line, <br />and �lthou�h the initi�l �uilding apparently c�as built before <br />th� 2�59 ordinanc� (and thus is noncon�'orminc�), the exp�nsion <br />would re�uir� tihe proc�ssing of a variance. <br />Mr. Ring not�d that his compar�y had built th� origin�l <br />buildi�ng in appr�ximat�ly 1957/58. <br />3. wickman1 446-409�5 <br />Tadd wickman is a landscape architeGt, irom �rnst Associates, <br />who was in with Eric Nessitt, frorn Woodbridge, r��arding ti�e <br />C�n�r� Point� p�oj�ct ea�terly o£ 35W. They presented �o�� <br />well. elon� landscape and trails �ys��m plans for th� entire <br />Praj�ct, in�luc�ed d�signation of tY�e firs�t ph�se <br />develoc���nt and pr�p�ra'tion a� the r�mainder of th� site. <br />They� propose ta s�ec� and soc� th� �ntire s,ite, an� construct <br />the �oadway and pathway �ystem and initial stx�uctures for <br />stage 1. <br />The principal stage 1 structure would be a� three �tcary offfce <br />building in t�e c�nter of the si,te� op�osite the extension of <br />the alignment of Lydia Auenue. <br />