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4 <br />� Dec�mber 2, 1986 <br />TOe Jim Andre <br />FROM: Ho�aard 1Dahlgren <br />SUBJECT: PLANNING OFFTCE HOURS, NOVEMBER 19, 1986 <br />1. Nelsan. �89-��57 <br />T�,m Ne�son gram JI.N De�rclopment Compar�� was in with �r:fan <br />Johnsan and �oY� vinn�y t339-2722D, the l�tter of whom arc <br />architec�s w�r}cing �n re�rised dcvelop�ment p,��ns for th�ir <br />�entiativ� proposals for the develo�xner�t of of�ice �tructuros <br />�n th� e�st �ide of Hemline Av�nue, s¢�uth a� Hig�way �►6 <br />twilbert-Char�dlcr v�ult �Gamp�r�y sit�� . <br />w� r�v���ed a�ery pr�iiminary drawing indicatin� r�ducti�on <br />fr�►m one b�ilding tQ �wo builtlins�s with a�wc� l�val r�mp to <br />thc e8�� �nc� scaUth of the �truCtur��. I c��cpaces�ed concarn <br />a�ut t�� m��� a� t�e ���u�tu�c (mac3e l�xge� by cQmbin�.nc� <br />ine� one s���ct�rc� i. I na�od th�� eh� �one��n will bc or�Q crf_ <br />�he �c�ie �nd h��ght �f �h� �uf i�i�c�s �� +�iewc�d ��ar� ch� <br />��sid�n��.a� ���a �c� the ��st � I sugQ��ee�i $�ran�ly th�� ��;;�Y <br />� �ne�t �i�t� the n�ic�hb�or�, �ar�i�u�,arly t���� ��ntic�u��� �o ��� <br />d��e�apw�c�n� �ropr���l ta �hQ ���t, i���mu�h �s tMosc� pc�op],a <br />��e �a��rc��si�c� cor�s�der�blc cQnc��n, �rha�� �ca�e a� �t t���Q� <br />c�n n�i�ir����m�a��on. t�c�t�d �F��t i h�ve b���n �uc�ge��:,fng� such <br />m���ir�r�s €�r mo�th�, �oi��it��t �ut ti�� �a��ue of such �i�iz�r�"g <br />ira�v� ev�� i� ther� ar� no ��e.�ifi� prg�orals +�a b� �e�vi�w�d. <br />'Th�ir p��ns iradi��tc�ci eh� p��.��x�r�ta��n �f tt�rz sca��Mc�rl�► two <br />�ingla ���nii� hom� 1��� �vr �o!t�r�t3al ��p�nsio� �� �h� <br />library► sit�. i su�r�c.���d ehs� tP1Q� �o�t t�oc�c��h�r wi�h �hQ <br />lik���ry p�c�plQ ��d re�riew pc���,�ble ,�ntex��� �n the� p��� o� <br />the �,ibr�t�r p�c�pl� �n thi� gro�os�l. � no��a�d �h�t 3 h�ve <br />�uc�ge�s��d to 'Tcm Dunw�ll, ��t�o ��11 �pF���ntl�r �c� �he <br />archite�� f�r th� lib�ar�p ex��n�ic�n, �hat ��c��n�ic�n �t th�.s <br />si�� will lii�ely be mo�e app�cc�p�iate �h�n at��ennpt�t��; to movo <br />�o � rrew si�� r��az� Rascsd�l�. c�bvfousiy, an �dr�qu��e �i�e for <br />� new �ae�l��� will l�� clifficul� te� �chi,rsve� �nd lib��ly ver�+ <br />�xpensi�ae. A��er �11 the �ibi�ry has beet� �uccess�ul wh�xe <br />�t i�, �uc�r�esti��t it i� �lx��cly �� good 1�c��i�n. <br />wi�iz re�pec� ta �he site plan, I sugges�ed th�r i� �hc <br />�evel��me�.t i� t� �� ay �i�a����% ��pr�v�:�, tt�� ��:� i� ��iau3c� �� <br />rec�uced and that the develrapment in the form of twQ st�u�- <br />��ir�s mi��� be �refcrxed ra��ticr than a single, 1arg�r mmss. <br />i expressed concern �bou� �he "tt�in marke�" for of f icc� �pac�; <br />� and the impact on dti�er office developm�nts on-line and Af <br />considerable impo��ancc ta the Cxt�. I suggest�d that though <br />the concept ot replacing th� v�ault factory with an offic� <br />buildincr ma� be apprs�pxiate, perhaps th� appropriat� timing <br />is "down th� raad." <br />