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� <br />�� <br />� <br />• <br />Planning Oftice Hours <br />Novemb�r 19, 1986 <br />Page 2 <br />Mr. N�:lson indicated that they will schedule a meeting with <br />the neighbors, anci that they will continue with concept <br />revisions based on our conversations. <br />2. Peck� 681-qA40 <br />Don Peck is looking for a sit� for a building of <br />approximately 2�,000 square feet to hous� a car cZeaning and <br />surfacc protection service, which is similar to the Z-Bart or <br />Armorall process. Apparently thcy per€orm this service at <br />several locations in the M�txopolitan Arca, primarily for new <br />cars a� a ratc af abou�t S35.Q0 each. The prac�ss includes <br />th� spra�i�g of �► �ealant, and is repu�t�d to last ap�roxi- <br />matcly cig�teen months. Hc indicat�s Eift;{ to sev�nty-f��e <br />employ�cs proccssing spprmximately ninety cars �er day. <br />I reviewed possible locatians and ir�appropriatc locations in <br />rh� ���y, I� appears that it may be dif�icult for him ta <br />c�me up with a ncw sitc r�ithin hi� pricc ran�ge. He is going <br />�o lvc�k ar��nd the commvnity and possibly Qther areas as <br />1ve11, <br />� . S��cic��r-Richardson, 633-2324 <br />Pat Steig�r-Rieharc�son and her hu�a���d �tike live at 2263 <br />i�e].lw�od, �nd are �ancerned about the praposed JLN <br />ri�velc�pmcnt i�n�mcc3ia�ely cantigu�u� �o �.heir w�st ��n�. Th�y <br />� r�e th� �hircl hou�e so�th o� �ti�h��y 3b, e�st��l� of th� <br />t^ill�e�t-�Chanc3ler V���t �ompany. �R�� e�presseel hcr c4ncer� <br />�x�� tta�t of thc ne�ghiaors regarding thc �ro�paUed �'I�N <br />Dc �elc�prner�t . �h� notes �.ha� thc ncigh�ars wo�1�1 1��� to me�� <br />��a��� tl�em tca i�� betce� inf�a��ed, I infot��ned hcr t1n��r I t��d <br />j��t �gain sugg���Qd +�o �hc JLt� �e�ple that th�x meet �ith <br />the n�ighbors �o c�et �hc neiQhi��ors anpu�, �h�th�r tt�ey hav� <br />s��ci � ic p1ar�� ot� ns�t , <br />ti1z�. Steic���'-Rieh�,zc�sor� infa�m�d us a� her �.nter�s�s and that <br />o� �D1c neighbors in �urthex ir�c� +thc �linnea�ali� con�ept wh��� <br />nci�ghborY��od m+c��ings �xe a r�quir�d p�eli�minary to �aublic <br />hearit�gs �n �h� develo�amen+� �arQ���s. th�zCi�y�of�Rca�evill�mdic! <br />�uburbs in �hc t���ropoiit�t� � ' but st�:ong�.y r�comme:�c�ed <br />nc�� Le�uire seac� inform�l en��ti�ig�, <br />tt�Gm ir� �ar��ti�ail�r al�. devc��pmcnt situations. <br />$h� w�s �ery cou���ous, s�ee�+s well in�ormed, �nd dedicak�d to <br />making su;a� the�r is�tcr�sts ��e pr�tectcd. I inform�d he� <br />th�t tize st�ffi is �qually cQnccrned. I inFormcci her c�� m� <br />�iews �egarding the ].ibrary expansion� notiizc� that such <br />�xpansior� shou].d go nort2i but not east, inasmuch a� th� <br />latcer would infri.n�� upon �he easter�:y neighborhood. I <br />noted that the repla�ement o��tio� th��'aibraryi��isS probably <br />eas� of Hamlic�e Avcnue l nor <br />in�vit�bl�, but that thi� acti�n and that �f thc �eglacing of <br />th� vaul� factory is a function of tzm�, particularly b��aus� <br />Qf thc �xtremE exp�nse ir� a�complishing the ]�atter. <br />