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� <br />i' Planning Office Hours <br />November 12, 1986 <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />� <br />Page 3 <br />Development of the lot would likely requir� a variance to the <br />front yard (30 feet�, and for certain a variance to the 75 <br />foot setback requirement under the shoreline zoning ordinance. <br />I suggest�d that processing of such variances can occur upon <br />application based on a specific development plan. Therefore, <br />he should seek a}auyer for the lot, conditioned on City <br />appro�•a1s . <br />Mr, Hanson noted that same potential buyers had previously <br />called City Ha11 r�garding this lo�, and w�re informed that <br />the lot was un�buildabl�. I not�d that this is not the case, <br />a�d I will inform City Ha11 personnel that a potential buyer <br />should submit a�ite pl�n for appro�riate review. <br />The survey also not�s the location of the �xisting house on <br />the prop�rty i�ntmediately con�iguous to the r�orth. I� would <br />app�ar that lining up a ttouse in close a�p�sroximation +�o th� <br />house �o �he no�th w�uld provide a raasonabl� soluti�on �or <br />th� developm�nt of �his Fro�aerty. <br />6. �tu�nh, 63�-1Z91 <br />Hoa Hu�nh runs s�ietnamese R��tauran� in the r�tail bu,ilding <br />a� the n��thwe�e �o�ner o� �ak�res+t. and Fairvi�w. He is <br />s�c�kinc� � morc p�rm�nent ciisplay of a sign for his res�au- <br />rant. '�h� landlard hacl �r�uic�od for � �e�pyorary sign <br />t�ppro�acl by Go��iy B�se+�h ) out �r� �he py�on on the cornQ� bu� <br />nac� ha� rad�ac�d th�at �ign�ge �o � smaller p�.acard r�imila� �to <br />the o+�her bu�in�sa�es in �I�e bu,i�dir�g, i�9x , Huynh notes th�t <br />th�s has a�ppa��r�t�y reduced his �usin�ss �ubstan�ially, <br />I �x�l��.��d �he Gic�r's �;ic�n re��l�tion� �and �roc�d�r�s. � <br />suc�gos+�ed i�e d�t�rmin� with hi� 1$ndlo�d th+� �i�e of �hQ <br />Qxisein� �y�or� and wo�k �ut some arxang�me�nt wi�e�eby he coulel <br />�get � 1����� cove�age, hopef+�ll� within +th� o�d�.nance, <br />�lpp���ntly, �hcz �rc�b,��m is th�t his �art of the stru�tur� is <br />�et b�ck i,n an "�," sha�pcad iauildin� so it is 1a�s vi�iblc� from <br />�eirv�c�w �lvenu� �ndl �he ��s��rly portion� oi the bu;�lding. <br />�t is � c�se wher� th� r��t�ua�nt is l�ca�ed in a som�:wh�� <br />dis�dvant�g�ous locakior� sa it'� �rontage is not r�adily <br />visiblc�, th�s, th� reiignc� upgrt the pylon �igr��ge �� th� <br />corne�, �opefully t�is ean b� worked ou� by ad�us�m�nt� w,ith <br />�h� 18ncilord w��hiz; the sign ordina�ce r�q�a�rem�nts. <br />