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� <br />� � <br />L� <br />�� <br />C� <br />Planning Office Hours <br />November 12, 1986 <br />The problem is one of signage. Long Cadillac <br />signs, one of which is 8'8" x 8'8" x 27' high, <br />is 6 x 6 x 21' high. The site allows for two <br />one fronting Highway 36 with 175 square feet, <br />and one fronting on Prior Avenue of 100 square <br />high. <br />Page 2 <br />now has two <br />and the other <br />pylon signs, <br />30 feet high, <br />feet, 25 feet <br />The building and ;igns were built in 1973. After that, the <br />sign ordinance wa� adjusted to provide for larger signs, and <br />thus the signs that exist on Long Cadillac are �ubstantailly <br />smaller than that allowed. <br />Mr. Long would propose to add a 5 x 8 foot (40 feet) separate <br />sign for the Sterling product, 15 f��t high. Obviously one <br />method of handling this would b� to put the additional 40 <br />square feet on one of the �xisting pylons. Mr. Long notes <br />that it is l�.kely that Cadillac would not allow that method, <br />although that will be explored. <br />Based on the amount of frontag� cov�red by the Long ��dillac <br />develo�ment, it may b� appropriate to simply add the third, <br />smal��r pylon, inasmuch as all �rhr�e af them are �ubs�a�- <br />tially below the maximum sign $r�a aRd h�ight requir�,��nt�. <br />In tk�� ev�nt the latter �n�thod �s propos�d, a processing �f a <br />varianc� would be requir�d. <br />4. Feickurty 483-2138 <br />GeE2oy Peick�rt was in wi�.h ,7ohn Clifford, to wham h� p�opos�s <br />ta sQll a portion of his lot lacated at thc no�+�h�ast� cornc�r <br />of dictoria Avenue and erenn�er. The lnt h� owns is unsuall.�P <br />large with .82 acre�, and it woulc� app��ar tk�at �pproximat�ly <br />90 fe�t (in width) of thc �xistinc� lat could b� se� asid� �or <br />a�econd lor. The vi�bili�y of this wil? depend upon th� <br />d�termir�ation oE t�hC exa�ct loca�tion of thc existing hot�s� <br />occupy►ing the original lot. I�uggested, th�r�efore, that t�g. <br />P�ickurt ha�re the lo� sUrveyed alonc� wi�h the locatian of th� <br />house sa as to d�t�rminc the propri��:� of dividit��; th� <br />cxisting parcel into two lois� I nec�ei that althougk� th� <br />r�maind�r �f th� plat is in a fiv� foat setb�ck a�c�a (pl�att�d <br />before 1959), th� prapo�ed lots would r�quire thc +��n fnot <br />side yard setback. <br />5. Hanson, 338-8056 <br />,�ohn Hanson's mo�h�r o�ns a lot east of victori�►. �n t�i� far <br />w�st�xly shore o� Lak� Owassa. This 1ot is a me�ts �nd <br />bounds parcel with I17 feet of d�pth, ac�ci a frontage ot <br />slightl� av�r 90 feet, as indicated in � ne�a survey Mr3 <br />Hansan had prepar�ci by G�orgi-Schmidt. I had pr�viou�ly <br />sugg�st�d �o Mr. Hanson that he get th� surv�y, so as to <br />asc�rtain th�e exact dim�nsions of th� lot. I n4t�d that� a 14 <br />foot dedication for victoria will be r�quir��l, thus r�ducing <br />the d�pth further. <br />