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.� <br />� <br />� <br />November 19, 1986 � <br />TO: Jim Andre <br />FROM: Howard Dahlgren <br />• <br />�UBJECT: PLANNING OFFICE HOURS, NOVEMBER 5, 1986 <br />1. Sign Consultants, 788-9145 <br />Ch�ryl O'Donnel, r�presenting Sign Consultants, was in to <br />�eview proposed changes in the signage for "Kline Olds" <br />which will now be known as "Dick Hodges 41ds." They propose <br />to �hange the letter�ng on the Dick Hodg�s' p�rtion only <br />from Microgramma Hold Extended to He�vetica; i.e., from a <br />wide vertical letter to a slanted, more closely spaced <br />l�tter. The "Dick" por�ion of the title will be about hal� <br />siz�. Th� overall sign ar�a will remain approximately the <br />s�m�. <br />I conelud�d thar no Planning Commission or Ca�ncil zeviea� <br />will bc r�quired to af�ectuat� �his chan�c. <br />i. LincoYn Companir-s, 893-900a <br />�andy �i�stro�h �nd Chuck DuFresne, ot Lincoln Compa�ies� <br />wer� in wi�h Ver�e Poffenberger t831-360i) �:�rom Syerl�'s, to <br />reviQw madi�icatio�s of th� sit� �lan £or the shoppinQ <br />centet a�proved west�rly �f Sn��lin�, north of County ��ad C. <br />�h�y prop�s� ��n foot �i�� st$lls in th� ey�rly's �ot with <br />nine foot �t��ls �n th� eastc�ly edge anly �or �mpioyee <br />parking. �h� pl�n naw sho�s three �und��d sev�nty-thre� <br />stalls, which wQul� incre�se to four hundr�d and four if the <br />pmnding are� a� the �outhe�se e�rn�x can be mov�d �ls�wh�re, <br />�nd t��� land acquired from the S�ate by Lincoln Compani�s. <br />tih�ck Du�r�sne w��l �e maeti�g with Mrs. SZaw�k and Mrl/DOT <br />regar�ing this �o�sib�� t�ansfer of ��nd, The City's posi- <br />tion i5 th�t i� the drai�a�e c��� be accaonrnadat�d �isewher�, <br />w� h�a� na p��b1e� �ith it. <br />I initialed tr�� t�o �p�ionsl plans as bei�g aeceptable <br />subject to t��ns�er of ti�l� tQ th� ��nding gr�� on on� plan <br />and �cc�p��nc� �f a vari�nce to the ponding a�ea sctback an <br />th� �thero The f�ri�� l��s� with B�erly's has naC y�t been <br />signed, but Verle i� strongly in favor and wi11 b� recom- <br />mending to Don Byer�y th�t thcy �race�d. <br />�ycrly's are doing approximakcly o�e �xpansion store �very <br />�w� y�$rs. <br />3. Nu��nt, 379-8507 <br />Le� Nug�nt and Peter Lugar�a have purch�s�d the building an� <br />property at th� south��i��t G�rner of County Road B-2 and Rice <br />Sti�e�. This i� a p,arcel 120 f�et by 120 £eet occupied by <br />�n old house, mare r�c@ntly convert�d to a 3.2 beer hall and <br />restauran�. They p�opose fio tear dG;wn th� s�ructur� and <br />build � new o£fice building in th� vici�ity of 3,000 square <br />fect (two steries) wi�h the required pa�rking. <br />