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� <br />�� <br />October 30, 1986 <br />TO: <br />FROM; <br />• <br />Jim Andre <br />Howard Dahlgren <br />SUBJECT: PLANNING OFFICE HQURS, OCTOBER 22, 1986 <br />1. Finc�erholz, 648-6953 <br />John Fing�rhol2 proposes tQ buy a lot a� 214 <br />This lot fronts on Wewers Street. This is a <br />� public right�of-way dedicated to th� east. <br />Ros�ville e�wns �h� �rop�rty to the east and <br />lot, having been purchas�d for park purposes <br />Wewers Street. <br />corner lot wit� <br />T�e City o� <br />�outh of this <br />manx yeazs ago. <br />Mr. Fingerhalz has a hous� plan which is thre� feet too long <br />for th� s'�t�, and he is consicierinc� requesting tl�e City ta <br />vacate th� sts�et so as to �llaw thi� plan to b� btailt. <br />Exam�ninc� his p].an�, I show�d C�r. Fingerholz how the plan <br />could be adapt�d to fit the lot (with �a thr�� �car garaq@� <br />withaut v�catinc� th� ���ree� or reques�tir�q th� varianc�p <br />D�ve .7�nisch not�d that substanti�� portions of th� lot a�� <br />"b�low grad�"', and thi� is likely ttt� r�ason why th� lot has <br />�eve� bc�n d�v��oped. Th��, furthe� rev��w w�th the �ir�ctor <br />c�f Publi� t�orks x�lev�n� �o drainage, utilit�.es, an�l s�rv�.c� <br />was rc�camm�nd�d. I know th�t o��r an �x��nc�ed pQriod o£ <br />�ime, the City may � tca �urcha�e this lot �►nd th� contl- <br />c��uous hom+� site �o �hc ��rest. In �ny case, r�que�� for �aca- <br />tion of s�reet or v��iance w�as discoa�rag�d. <br />2. H�awkins+ 545-QQQS <br />Greg HSwkinS, wf ti� S�uCe ��►. Sehmidt, wa� in t�a r�Vit3w e <br />revised plan �or the �xp�n�i�n anc] r�cle+��lopment af �h� °'Ga�d <br />�ym" 2�uilding north af County Raad B, cast�rl� Qf �'air�iEw. <br />Ba�ed on r��� survc� dimensiorr�, �h� �i�e plan propo��d �n <br />�xpan�ion of th� b►ailciing as p�a�io�usly rQvi�:�►@d, and accom- <br />moda�ion caf th� appro�ria�e pa�kinc� r�quir�mentis. <br />The pl�ns incl�cle a s�uk��tantial r€m�d�ling of the building so <br />�s to mak� it a far mor� attracti�re office building, �'h� <br />add3.tion ancl modifica�ion of ti�e building, including �xt�n� <br />sians o� a��r�p�t wall �r�d �oof syst�m, will. r�s�alt in a <br />"col.on�.al motif�' architecturc with n�w bay window�, n�w <br />sielinq, �nd treatment af the f�n�s�ration. This structu�e <br />will �ecom� th� local h�adqu�rters for M�rri�1 I,�r�ch R�a�l <br />Est$t�. <br />The remodeling adds 1,'�00 square f��t to th� existing 10r000 <br />square foot building, r�quiring fifty-!�ine parking spa�es <br />accommodate�d on th� site, <br />