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� <br />�s � Page 2 <br />Planning Office Hour <br />October 22, 1986 <br />3. Rosepointe, 340-6501_ <br />Rosepointe Senior Citizen's housing project site plan was <br />reviewed w�th the staff. The Engineering staff noted that <br />drainage will proceed up the westerly side, then north- <br />easterly to Hamline. The alignment of this storm sewer <br />passes und�r the proposed entrance sign. The storm sewer <br />should be rerouted around the sign, or the sign location <br />changed. <br />The sign is also ten feet closer than required to the new <br />property line, resulting from the ten foot dedication on the <br />west sid� oF Hamline Avenue. It was agreed adjustments can <br />be made to the site plan to accommodate these concerns within <br />the Planned Unit Development approval. <br />4. L�a�y, �49-8�07 <br />Jim Leary, from Coldr�ell Banker, was in with Charles Wensch <br />a�nd Tom S�affer, also from Coldwell Banker, ta review with <br />the staff po�sibilities for the redevelopment of the Standard <br />Oii site westerly of the Timpte site, sauth of County Road C, <br />w��terly o� Long Lake Road. <br />This is a ten acre site which Amoco n <br />a price that cQuld range from �2.50 t <br />Porkions of this land ax� zoned B-4, <br />� zoned industria�l., They are aware <br />str�et, purchased by JL1V Company, <br />�wat�n Trust, went fAr $3.50 per <br />Hank�r's questian .is what is th� most <br />ianc� . <br />� <br />ow proposes to sell for <br />o $5.00 p�r square foot. <br />and portions of it are <br />that land across the <br />(,�eff �Ieilsen) from the <br />square foot. Coldwell <br />appropriate use for the <br />I sugg��t�d that it �rould be in their client's b�st interest <br />to not ma�ket th� land naw �t �2.5a a square foot, but to <br />wait i�ntil th� completion and oc�upancy of the property <br />across th� s�r�et tRos�ville Corparat� C�nter), at which time <br />�h� mark��t wo�1d suggest a pric� closes �.o $5.00 rather than <br />th� $2.50 :igure. The probl.em here is that if everyone wants <br />te� ma;rket th� land at onc�! the market is saft enough such <br />that thc 'Ehighest anc� best us�" will not be obtained for all <br />th� praperties at one�. Thus, it appears to me, in the <br />int���st of the City and that of the landowner, to time the <br />sal� o�: th� lar►d to coincid� with an increase in the market <br />d�mand;. Th� alternative is to s�ll thc land ch�ap, which <br />warks against the City's interes� �o obtain maximum, reason- <br />abl� �.�ntensification �f th� land use. <br />M�� L�ary no��d t'�at he would pass tihis suggestion on to the <br />landowners. Th� p�obl�m with this, howev�r, is that an <br />immeeiiate �ale (though at a low�r price) is frequently in the <br />best interest o� th� realtor Ya�her than advising the client <br />to ho].d the l�nd for any extended period of time (resulting <br />in no in�n�diatc� commission) . <br />