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� <br />� <br />� <br />U <br />October 10, 1986 <br />T0: <br />FROM: <br />SUBJECT: <br />Jim Andre <br />Howard Dahlgren <br />PLANNING OFFICE HOURS, OCTOBER 1, 1986 <br />1. Tarqet, 370-5927 <br />Dennis Henderson and Forres�. Russell, representing Target <br />Stores, were in with John Sponsel, architect, to review thier <br />preliminary p].ans for the expansion of the Target store in <br />Roseville. Their standard store these days is 101,730 sqttare <br />fc:et. The Rosevill� existing store is 78,0�00, to which they <br />propose to add an addition om the z�ortln side and a me�zanine <br />floor of 4,000, to total 107,A00 square fee�, 'They propose <br />to remave the TBA (ta.res, battcric:s, �nd �cc�ssories) on th� <br />west side, and add an addition to th� r�ortt� sid�. This <br />addition will be withinWt�in��husV�requirc�ram thr�� �foo� <br />right-of-way lin�, and i <br />variar►ce. <br />They propos� to leave the Knowlan store which they would <br />rather conv�rt �o Target space, bu� becaus� �f the lon9't�xm <br />lease with option� that exists with K�o�rlan'�, this is nmt <br />possibl�. The tQtal sguare fooCae�e of the 1ae�ilciinQ i�i�� <br />Knowlan's) wil� be ].32,3q0 squarc feet, �+hi�h would reguir�r <br />662 spac�s . Th+�y na�a have 7 p 5 spac�s, �nd the new �ls�n wou�.d <br />provide for 'D38 spaces. '��us. with the �xparaded building, <br />�hcrc will be more p�rkinc� thar� that req►�ired by ordinance. <br />This store i.s �r►e o� th�ir he�t �tores �a�d, of ccauAsc, wa� <br />therc �irst st�xe, witl� St. d�oui� Pa�k b�cing t1�� secand. <br />This buildinc� was o�ic��nall�r vu�.lt� fo� thc "Jubile�" discaut�t <br />�tore, th�n le�sed by '�arge� in 1�62 �rod ultim��e�y <br />purchas�d. I$ugg!ested th�t inasm��h as �his was their �irst <br />store l�nd the �irs� of m�ny ultimat� success�s� theY shou].d <br />rencw th� ex�erior of �he bu3.lding, and add a li�tl� <br />"class"` . They said they 1�auld take a s�r��.ous loc�k at that <br />ide�, taut �hey may not be able to rlo any�hing �o the <br />Knowian's por�ion. t�t� not�d that �o�ld b�� �xcepted, �if tha� <br />did a good job on �he remaindcr. <br />Circulation was �iscussed with the �ngin�ering �ta�f as <br />r�lates to th� p�oPosed scrvice road i.mprover��nt t r�ot �oW <br />pro�oscd), and circulation as it �el�t�s to CountY R°�►� e'th� <br />end�rsed the ext�n�iQvides tor b�tt�r�tu�nin9 movem�rat�ir�to <br />access off B which p�' <br />Knowlan's and th� rema�.nder of th� sit�. <br />Thcy will be b�ck with r�vi,sions, and proceed ultimat�ly with <br />an app].ication for varian�o�WhichSthis�area�is�zoncdund�r the <br />shopping center district <br />