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CJ <br />� <br />Pl.annin Office Hou•rs <br />g <br />October 1, 1986 <br />• <br />Page 2 <br />2. Kaufhold, 489-2501 <br />Fred Kaufhold and his wife have a.67 acre lot with frontage <br />on the west side of Victoria, south of Highway 36. <br />Contiguous to their lot on the north side is an easement <br />which serves as road access to a strip of five lots, which <br />are immediately south of and contigous to Highway 36. Fred's <br />lot is deep, and has enough land ar�a behind his house for <br />another lot. This lot would have to front on this same ease- <br />ment. It would seem like a reasonable possibility for <br />creating another lot, and another building site in the City <br />that would otherwis� not be buildable. He wants to build a <br />new house f�r his wife and himself on this propErty, <br />I suggested that he first asc�rtain the s�atus of the ease- <br />ment and its width, and wheth�r or not his prop�rty has <br />rights to th� casement. Yt �.s al�o possibl� that given <br />dedica�ion of a public easement, the City could improe�� the <br />acc�ssa <br />3e �mmons, 633-2574 <br />Robe�t w. Emmons has a�.12 acr� single fa�rily r�sidential <br />lot just r��arthwe�t�rly o� Tom wilmus' lot, nor�h�asterly o� <br />Hamline, £rontinc� on Lak� �asephin+e. �� shoc��d us a <br />p�eliminary drawing iYlust�atir�g a way in which the pxaperty <br />could be divid�d inta fiv� singl� ��mily �ots. <br />Rob�er� ciiscuss�ri the �ani�tary s�wage situation w#,th Ch�rlie <br />Wo�ct�� 11, A pu�bl ic sewer 1� f t may be ne��ss� �y p t=ir . E�tmoms <br />uses grav�ty f�lnw f�om hf� rious� witih a� s�wa�e puanp hanc�ling <br />his 1aw�r lev�l. That is an4ther c�ption. <br />Mr. E�nmon� is �oing Co cii�c�ss i�is pl�tti�c� propo��� w.�tn hir � <br />Wilmus, s,�ho�e lot ta +�hc sauth is al�o v�ry l�rg�. i <br />�ugge�ted he �evxew th�s� propos�l� wit� hi� n�ig�hbars, �nd <br />�consic��r R pr�liminary �la� a� �uch time a�s Mc m�y �ecrl <br />�pprop�-iat�. <br />Baue ��nisch and Ch�rles l�onchell c�ave h�m helpful ���im�t�� <br />reg�rdinq� d��elopment co�ts. <br />4. CommQrs. �33--fi312 <br />�an Commers wa� b�c�: to r��iew h,is �tt�m��� to �ecur� tha <br />right-af-w�y r�+orthca�ly o£ thc �ul-de-sac contic�uous �o the <br />prop+er�y he is curre�tl�r �iorrelop,�ng north o� Gount�y �osci C, <br />and just ��st :�f the �rc��erl�► Cit�r lim�t�. Comm�rs �nc� Paul <br />ftlodt have be�n negotiat�r�� with `aiiliams for t�e �auxchase af <br />the �r�perty, which i��s n�w been +�ak�n off �l�e m�rke� for <br />awhi ].e so tiza�t s�i 1�ests c�n be ��k�r� � <br />Charlie Honchell sugg�sted that� a method o� �roceeriing witl� <br />th� construct.iv� o� �t�c s��e�� waulc� k3� �c�Y 3�i� �r� ���.i.�i�n <br />� for th� street to be construct�d se� a� ta pravid� fron�ag� <br />for the propert� �hat he owns narth of �he buildinq now ua�der <br />constructiQn. This prc�p�rty wauld f�ont on th� east side o� <br />th� str��t. <br />