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� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />Planning Office Hours <br />October 1, 1986 <br />� <br />Page 4 <br />I suggested that the land use proposed (o�tic�s) is no� the <br />serious question� but tha,t the height of the buildings wi11 <br />be. W� talked about �the po��.es of building lower <br />structures. A ten stcyry and a three story bui�ding is <br />proposed. Part of this �roject might inclu�e expansion space <br />for the library. Actua�lly, the r�mai.nder of the site (where <br />the Wilbert-Chandl�r V;�ul.t pr�aperty is) would make an <br />exeellen� site for thc* relocat�d �ost nffice. This <br />developm�nt, hnwever, migh�t no� mak� a f�� tax i�crement <br />program (a�sumin4 51.8 million is need��i for the re].ocation <br />aE tihe Wilb�rt-Ch�ndlex �iactl� Campan�y) . <br />The V�Qult Company prope� �y� is zon�d indu;ytrial and is, of <br />eourse, a ca�ry ove� f�oim wt��t� tV�� plara� was ba�ilt ir� the <br />days of the T�wn�hip. <br />C�a�g �►aldron r�vi�w�d tax incr�m�r��t r�umb�rs with th�m, and <br />they axe goi�g to conciuc� iu,r��e� reviea� prior t�o any further <br />d�velo�ment plans. It a�spi.�rs abvious that offic� use iar <br />this p�opQ�ty i� maare a���rapriatc than th� �x��ting <br />ind�astr�al u�e, There app�,ars, ho��v�r, a re�l �arobl�m of <br />in�orming th� neighbor� as to ��€� im��ac�; and �hat on� Qf tl�e <br />a��ectives w�u1d k�e +�o solid�lf�► th� r�eigh�o.�hoad Co th� �ast <br />C�nd pe�hap� solv� +�he p�oblc►m c�f �t�� exc+�s�ivcl�r d��p lats <br />�award th� sau+�f�e�l�r �a�e of the proF�rti�es ir� gues�tian) . <br />?. �acksor�. Qa3-'�671 <br />4Mild�ed Jack�on l�vQs at 1�00 6��odhill, and p��c�pos�s to �cMd a <br />�0 x 22 foo�t ga�ago ta �a� eaci��ti�g �3 ac � 2�aot g�ra��, on <br />t,h� wost 5ido �f ��r lo�. Th� ten �o�a� ad�l,iti�on will resv;lt <br />in a thr�e foot s;ide yard satbac�k, wh����s � five �oot sici� <br />��rc� �e�bAck i� r�qui�Qd in +�hi.► a�ea. Obvic�usly, (building a <br />��r�g�o less �han t�� Eeet i� ir�pxa�tical. <br />Ir a�PQ�rs ehat �he p�ropos�l is �ea�an$bl�, ��,d a���ming that <br />th� own��rs cf the appro�r,i�te d��si�gnat�d �rc�p�r��.�s are in <br />�c�,�eomont, this d�velopnnent propos�l can b� Dx•t���ssed through <br />th� no�;m�l minor varianc� Procedure. <br />