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• <br />Planning Office Hours <br />October 1, 1986 <br />Page 3 <br />• He noted that if Commers and Klodt would propose to pay the <br />full assessment for the str�et, that the street riqht-of-way <br />could thus be acquired, the street constructed with <br />utilities, and assessed against his property only, On that <br />basis, certain hearings can be eliminated, and construction <br />can proce�d. This action would then provide access to the <br />south end of the Wforithe developmen� ofhtheseoucxcessvida�ds <br />overall solution <br />for the Williams Tank Farm properti�s. <br />� <br />� <br />5. Jens�n, 4$3�-1200 <br />Rob Jens�n is � rc�ltor from Merrill Lynch, ropresenting a <br />single family t�om� property at 411 �outh Owasso Boul�vard. <br />This property consists of two ninety �Qse ar��e�ninetyh foot <br />owner now proposes to divide in�o two p <br />lots. The existing k�ous� is on onc �la�, �nd the g�r�gc i�s on <br />the o�her. �he g�'�89�hus wouldgneedc��variance�i� the��lot� <br />Ow�sso Boulev��d, and <br />is to b� deye�oped further. <br />I �ugc�est�d that it m�g�t be a�prop�ia�te +ta gim��y �taa� �he <br />gar�ge doaan, and l�t the new own9r oE tt�e �ra�erty devc�lop <br />hi� owr� g��ae�e wY�erc it may l�cc ma�ze ag�pro�ri�t�s. H� may wish <br />�o ac�d i+t to th�c house. "�hug, a lot rlivision and, <br />ultimat���, �a sharelir�e dev�lop�c�nt reviQw �auld bc3 r�c�c�c9ed <br />fo� rl`�c ci��r�l���e�onin�r.��fosa�� � on�t�g� prop�sac3 for ��ch � f <br />ir� se�a1Q �ith Y' <br />�hQ two 1��� �� q�a��ti4r�. <br />G� N,,,�t�l�c�,� 4�9 t 8��7 <br />J�ff N��lson, "��m t��lson, �rnd ��11 1��c�nica. ��tor�ey, �ac�r� �n <br />to rc�e��.�� �1��i� con�em���r�� do��ia��nt �o�° �ha �►ilic�r�� <br />Ch�ndle�� ��u1t C�mp�ny pro�r�� ared th� home� +�a ehc� �au�h, <br />o�� �he ��.�e� ��d� �E ���r�iir��. '�Ira� �:czv��w�d �hc�r ic���i�a�l <br />n��a���tion� c����1 �hQ �t�l��i+�-C�a�n�lg�r ��caplc�, anc�� ����Q� <br />�h�i� �.n�t�ntic�� �t�► r�o� s�c�u� f��m �hQ �i�c. t�1�3��+�+t�l� th�� <br />�g��od �h�� tt�e� ����. �� ��pla�in�r �I�� ��ruc+�ur� �nd pro��� t� <br />�t � di��nr��t ������.o� is ���,�m�t�ed �� �1.� cni.l��on. <br />'�he� t�Qt�d � <br />of�i�a ��a�a <br />cost�. �'hQ�' <br />'Ti�� e���t�inc� <br />�e s��o,oao. <br />h�t thei�r ci�����p�+�nr� �ra�+o��l �,� �ar "hig�h anc��� <br />i�n tt�e vi�i�i�� r�E �1QOi�ql+��re �caot eonstruc�,ior► <br />��+�ima�e ovQr�li� cic�v��.o�cn��� a� ��� r�iilion. <br />t�x�s �re S���OOp, �u�ur� �a�c�� are Q�t,im�tod <br />I not�d tlr� �mpQr�ance �E m�,int�ir�i.r�g th� neic�h,'��ri�oo�� t4 <br />tE�e ��st � �nd tt�e �,mp�ct of �n �ppropri�te �r�n�it�.on �CQ�ome <br />the r��r �.ot l�nes foi th� lots �rQn��ng on Aell��oad, <br />oz ci���e lc��� ��c �p t� �e�,!� h�►n���� ���t de�p, which cio�sn' � <br />m�k� �ense �o� �he lor�g pull either. I h�d e�rl.ier �ug4ested <br />�h,�� a lar�dscg�e tr�nsition stri�, s�r�etizing lika for�y i��� <br />wide, simil�r to th�� used azound K�r Mar, would b� an <br />appro�riate m�kMod. They did not wan� want �o com�lic�te <br />matt�rs, however, by attcmpting ta a�cquire portions of th� <br />singZc family lots where the lots sre �xces�iv�ly de�p� <br />