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• � � <br />'^� .'s � <br />.� <br />• <br />R�p SEVII,�E pI,A.NNING COMMIS3ION <br />Ni`INUTES OF 2'HE SPECTAL MEETING <br />AUGIIST lb, 1961 <br />Chairrr�.n M�mbre z called the mee-ting to order a�t�8gn�o�.��e�o��en1t'OnePi�e�� <br />ChestnutA Gr�uel� Membreze Simc�rman' Soike an P <br />D€�hl.gren �nd Eng3neer 5outt�r wexe also present. <br />A spe�ial meeting w�s held to discuss the nz''��P°the intersectiona of ounty Road B <br />J�b�,lee Store�� Incorporated for pz'�opex'tY <br />and Snelling Av�enue, Also under �onsider�ation was the propos�l to �ffect dedicg- <br />�tion of land by th:�: interested property owners for an e�st west street from <br />�ub3.iee �ente� � H�nlin� Avsnue, <br />'�he �o Ylowing p eople �ttended the meeting s Oti s H. C•odf rey, �.tto rney ior Elling <br />Birch Lake Nuraery i Znc� q Em3.l T�talah9 p�^e�ident of Steenberg Construction Company9 <br />Claren�e Har�ta �.'�torney� for �Tubilee Stores, In�, 9 Lyman Foss who represented the <br />Blumb�rg �.nterest� A�, F� Kocek� Assiatant I�anager of Rural NL�nnesota Division of <br />S�ate Far�m Mutua7. �nau�rance Comp�ny. <br />Clarence Har�t preeent�d a r+�viaed developmentthegnortherinsprope�ty linecfo� street <br />dedi.�ates � s�r�.p of land �0 f�et w.�.de along Y <br />pux�oses. He indicated that the revised plan complied with the suggesti.ons m�de <br />by t��e Comr�.�s�.on, and that it complies with a�J. ��� bu.3.l�i� requirenents, <br />Ottis H, (3�d.frey �dv3.�ed that Nursery cloes not ob�ect to Jubilee St�ores9 <br />Ir�corp�rated, building in the �re�. Jubilee Stores h�s sufficient access to its <br />prvper��yr by use of the ser�.ce lane �long Snell�ga ���� Ba �e pmv ded�sG�.I <br />A�enue to �the propo�ed e�st west road9 add�tion <br />Mrn C�odfrey indic�ted that Elling Nursery has sufficient �.ccess to its pr�ope�'ty �.nd <br />th�.t ded:��ation of land at the pre sent ti.mne woul d be prohibited due to co st of the <br />�t��°ee�� �nd �f�he 10�5 of presperty for f�rmi.r.�g puz'posee. He w�s opposed to the origin$1 <br />propoe�]. fox° � s��°�3.ght �t�reet� but thought E� Nursery would cons3.der f�.vorably <br />-th� �1.tern.r�te propo�al when t,hey we�°e re�dy to develop the lando <br />Lym�.n �o�� was re�ently employ�ed by the Blumberg interest a few days b�fnr� �the <br />me�ting and �.d��.sed that he �ould not make a�ommittanent until he �tudied the plane <br />Ae F. T�ocek was �.gx°eeable to the east west ro�.d and the dedi.cation af a s�� ep o�' <br />Y.�r�d �.4 fee�t wide �long the southerly propertythe ero�osed�e�stpwes�GBro�d. Biu�mber� <br />expz°es�ed � d�esir+e �t�o extend Pasc�l A�enue to p P <br />�a-�3.l1 h��re �t�o �oin in the dedi�ats.on oi land 3n order to extend the east west <br />str�eet �o P����1 Avenue. <br />The Pl�nning Co�.ss3.on co�.l.d noi� take a�ction on � W��n he left theCmeetin�,H�� <br />�.nadve�t�n�ly re�tai.ned the re�ri.sed development p8t 22 l 61, �� Zx00 em� <br />I�c�.�ion on the ma��er wili be continued on Augu. � 9 P <br />�he me et ing wa s calle d to o rde r by' Ch�.3.rznan Membre z o n A�xgu s t� 2 A 1961. �°� '� o�.0 p m mo <br />B�lls C�r�ue19 Marnbr°ez�, 5imernl�.n�, Soike and Swanson were pz°esente <br />