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. 1_`.� s ♦ <br />� <br />L� <br />� <br />� <br />DATE: <br />TQ: <br />�'RUM: <br />M E M O R A Y1 D► U PS <br />February 14, 199a <br />Craig Waldron <br />Ftick Jopke �� <br />SUBJE�CT: Certificate of Oc�cupancies Iss�xed in 1989 <br />At�ached for youx information is a list of �ertificate of <br />Occupancies which were issued du�ing 1989e As you are aware, our <br />current procedure is tha� before final Ce��ificate of Occupancy's <br />a�e issued, I�.nspect major development projects to insure that <br />all Gonditians are met. During th� past year, several <br />Certificate of Occupancy's have b�en issued for several ma'or <br />proj ects in �t�e City e In reviewing these proj ects for is�ua c <br />of a Certificate of pccupancy, staff iden�ified problem ar a <br />which were ti�en resolved. These included the following: <br />1. At Minnesota Solvents and Chemicals Co. a Certificate o <br />Occupancy was �e�pArarily withheld unti.l proper landsC p <br />boncis were received. <br />2. At the NSP office building in Centre Pointe Business Park, <br />a Certifi,cate �f Occupancy was withheld pending completion <br />of the landscaping. <br />3. At Rosewood Estates, problems w�ere identified with the <br />location of the p�oject sign and with lar� which have <br />ne�w been taken care of and Certificate of accupancy's have <br />been issued. <br />4. <br />5. <br />At Midas Muffler Shop, the Certifieate of Occupancy was <br />temporaril� withheld because of incomplete landscaping. <br />At Butler Paper, again the Certificate of Occupancy was held <br />up concerning final landscape design. <br />In addition to the CO's being witk�held, in �rie followin;g cases, <br />building permits were withheld until proper information was <br />provided: <br />1. Lexington Project. <br />Discussions were held concerning exterior building <br />materials, design of the commercial component of the project <br />and the design of the berm landscape screen along the west <br />edge of the pr�ject. City staff, in the plan review process <br />found that the developer was proposing to eliminate some <br />brick and sub�tituted concrete block and aluminum siding. <br />The developer was informed that this constituted a vialation <br />of the approved plan and that this would not be approved. <br />❑❑ <br />� � <br />�� <br />M <br />� <br />